Page 6 - Sojourner Newsletter- SUMMER 2022 -FINAL
P. 6

6                                                                                            THE SOJOURNER
                                    NATIONAL SECRETARY’S DESK

                                  We started this  Sojourner  year with  a new set  of laws  to  administer our beloved
                                  organization.  At  the  Annual  National  Convention  (ANC)  held  this  past  June  in
                                  Atlanta,  GA,  the  delegates  approved  Resolution  2022-1  which  converts  us  from
                                  governing  by  a  set  of  National  Bylaws  and  Regulations  to  a  new  National
                                  Constitution and Bylaws. Moving forward, the National Constitution and Bylaws
                                  will  govern  our  operations.  You  can  download  them  from  our  website
                                  ( or you can ask your Chapter Secretary for a copy. It
         is imperative all Sojourners and most especially Chapter Presidents and Secretaries avail themselves of a copy
         and review it at your earliest convenience. As the saying goes, “The more you know, the better off you’ll be.”

         While the National Constitution and Bylaws lay out ‘WHAT TO DO’, a new Policy and Procedures Manual
         is under development which will supplement the National Constitution and Bylaws and explain the “HOW
         TO DO IT” procedures we will follow moving forward. A draft manual is targeted for initial review at the
         Mid-Winter Meeting in January 2023 in Raleigh, NC.

         CHAPTER ANNUAL REPORTS: The National Office is still awaiting several outstanding Chapter Annual
         Reports (CAR) that were due 31 July. These missing reports are preventing valuable data from being entered
         into  our  membership  database  (MMS).  This  information  allows  the  National  Office  and  your  National
         leadership to coordinate efforts with the correct Chapter officers by having accurate contact information. It is
         also used for reports to the Americanism and Bridge of Light Committees, provides important information
         about our J/ROTC and youth initiatives, and other important various and sundry reports. The CARs become
         historical records and are used to analyze Chapter operations. The data is also used for determining Chapter
         awards at the National level.

         As of the publication date, the following 61 Chapters have not filed their CAR or submitted a complete CAR:

         Fort Meade #4                 Hawaiian #9                            Benjamin Franklin #16
         Cleveland #23                 Wichita #24                            Los Angeles #26
         Louisiane #33                 VADM Homer H. Wallin #40               Lincoln #52
         Indianapolis-Ft Harrison 66  Sinclair Inlet #80                      Topeka #128
         Sacramento #133               Kentucky #134                          Monterey Bay #136
         Harry S. Truman #152          Camp Fannin #288                       Charles A. Lindbergh #247
         Santa Ana/El Toro #250        Stockton #266                          Southern Arizona #273
         Hamilton #277                 White Sands Rocket #282                Pikes Peak #293
         Fargo-Moorhead  #338          Alaska #355                            Montgomery #365
         Seminole #373                 Arrowhead #421                         Northeast Florida #435
         Garden State #438             Wright Brothers #449                    Ventura County #494
         Piedmont #504                 Anson Jones #507                       Houston #513
         Knoxville #514                Patuxent #522                          Gen H. Arnold #524
         Watauga #525                  Green Mountain #527                    Willamette Valley #529
         Baldwin #531                  North Central Florida #537             Rogue Valley #538
         Mustang #542                  Shenandoah Valley #543                 Old Fort #553
         Lyman Hall #557               Devils Brigade #558                    1776 Militia #560
         Lehigh Valley #561            Jeremiah Osgood #562                   King's Bay #563
         Mountain #564                 Zenith #566                            Night Stalkers #567
         Minuteman #995                Grand Masters #996                     Past Masters #997
         Chicago #998
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