Page 5 - Sojourner Newsletter- SUMMER 2022 -FINAL
P. 5

Vol. 99 Issue 3                                                                                           5
          was instrumental during Desert Storm and the runway modernization on Ramstein AB. Major Geck was promoted to Lt Col during his tour
          and chaired several NATO Committees that dealt with complex war related issues making long lasting decisions that moved NATO forward
          in the communication fields.
        Andrews  AFB,  MD  –  1993-96: Deputy  Group  Commander 89   Communications  Group.  The 89  Communications Group, provided
          world-wide  presidential  communication  support  as  well  as  base-wide  support.  Lt  Col  Geck  was  instrumental  in  reorganizing  the
          Communication Group into two operational squadrons: one (798  Communication Squadron) providing direct presidential communication
          support and the 89  Communication Squadron providing communication support for Andrews AFB proper. Lt Col Geck assumed command
          of the 789  Communication Squadron in 1994, where he led his squadron through a successful Operational Readiness Inspection and major
          organizational improvements.

        Pentagon,  Washington  D.C.  -  1996-2000:  Director  of  International  Programs.   Lt Col Geck led a highly trained team of negotiators
          defending  access  to  airspace  for  our  Department  of  Defense  (DoD)  aircraft.  He  negotiated  with  the  International  Civil  Aviation
          Organization to ensure our DoD aircraft had access to the evolving Communication, Navigation, Surveillance Air Traffic Management
          (CNS/ATM) program that the civil aircraft industry was enjoying.
         Lt Col Geck submitted his retirement paperwork in 1999 only to be rejected for him to support the conflict in Kosovo. At the  end of that
          conflict Lt Col Geck successfully retired from the USAF after 30 years of dedicated service.

        Business Career: After military retirement, Randy worked for 16 years as a Defense Contractor.
        California,  MD—2000-01:    Project  Management,  AMELEX,  Inc.   Randy transitioned into the contracting world by providing aircraft

          landing and combat identification system support for the USN as well as international organizational support including NATO and ICAO,
          using his military flying and international background.
        Patuxent Naval Air Station, Great Mills, MD – 2001-2016:  Randy decided to start his own consulting business supporting the US Navy
          and signed on as the Executive Consultant for the Program Manager of the Landing Systems Program Management Office. He continued to
          provide  high  level  support  to  that  Program  Office  as  well  as  the  Command  Security  Office  for  the  duration  of  his  tenure,  until  he
          successfully closed his business in 2016.
        Education and Training:
        Bachelor of Administration in Business Systems Analysis, New Mexico State University 1974
        Master of Science Computer Systems Analysis, Creighton University Omaha, Nebraska, 1989
        Professional Military Educ:  Squadron Officers School, Air Command & Staff College, National Security Management, Community College
          of the Air Force and Air War College
        Military Education: Pilot Training T-38, Fighter Lead-in Course F-5, Operational Training F-4, Computer Programming Classes at Keasler
          AFB 1975-79, NATO Technical Courses 1990-93 and Lean Six Sigma Courses, 2000-2010

        Military and Civilian Awards and Honors:
        Defense Superior Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with 5 Devices.
        U.S. President’s Awards for Volunteer Service, 2005 & 2006
        Outstanding Graduate, 1975, Undergraduate Pilot Training, Reese AFB, TX
        Outstanding Leadership Award, Society for the Advancement of Management, New Mexico State University

        National Sojourners:  Bro. Lt Col Geck joined Patuxent Chapter #522 on 25 Sept 2001, became a Hero in May 2003, and attended his first
        ANC in Williamsburg, VA in June 2007.  He was Chapter President in 2017-2018 and Camp Commander of Otho Holland Williams Camp in
        2018-2019. He was appointed as the Federal Area Representative from 2011-2019 when he turned the Area responsibility over to Brother
        Howard Sobel. During this time, he successfully sponsored the Federal Area Conference and Encampment each year, hosting local Sojourners
        and Heroes of ’76 as well as visitors from around the country. He was elected to the Committee 33 (C33) in 2014 and was selected to serve as
        Chapter Revitalization and Chartering Committee Chairman in 2014 until 2021.  He also served on the Americanism and Awards & Incentives
        Committees and was elected to be National Commander Heroes of ’76 in June 2022.

        Other Masonic Honors and History:
                                                                      Awarded the EA, FC & Master of the Craft for MD in 2016-18
                                                                      Presented with the Grand Master’s “Mason of the Term” Medal in 2016
        Lodge:                                                   Papillion Lodge #39, NE 1988-2004
                                                                      Thomas J. Shryock Lodge #223, MD 2002-Present
                                                                       Prince Frederick Lodge #142, MD (WM 2019-2020) 2014-Present
         Scottish Rite (SJ):                               Valley of Omaha 1989-2004
                                                                      Orient of Baltimore 2004-Present
                                                                      Valley of Southern MD 2004-Present
        Shrine:                      Tangier Shrine, Omaha 1989-2004
                                     Keystone Kops Shrine Club (Chief 1989-90) 1985-1990
                                     Boumi Shrine, Baltimore, MD (Shepherd 2018-2020) 2004-Present
                                     Papopeake Shrine Club 2004-Present
                                     (President 2009, 2011 & PRAD Parade Coordinator 2007-2018)
        York Rite:                   Camp Spring Royal Arch Chapter #44 2012-Present
                                     Camp Spring Cryptic Council #23 2012-Present
                                     Camp Springs Commandery #16 (Eminent Cdr. 2019-20) 2012-Present
                                     Allied Masonic Degrees (MEHP 2018-19) 2014-Present
        Others:                      Julia Hall Chapter #107, Order of Eastern Star (OES) 2007-Present
                                         (WP 2008, 2010, 2014)
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