Page 10 - Sojourner Newsletter- SUMMER 2022 -FINAL
P. 10
Brother Wayne Barnes, NP, presented Brother James B. Bartley a custom-made Sojourner jacket in
recognition of his volunteer work at the National Office.
The National President called on the Chairman of the Constitutional Commission who was tasked to create a
National Constitution and Bylaws (C&BL). Brother Harry E. Sanders Jr., Chairman, gave a professional
presentation on the progress and results made by the Commission during the past year and how they created
the new C&BL from the existing National Bylaws & Regulations (NR&BL) framework. Brother Sanders then
called on Brother Edward W. Nolte, PNP, PNC, to present a PowerPoint presentation comparing the existing
NR&BL with the proposed C&BL. Brother Nolte gave a lengthy and thorough presentation concentrating on
the nine most significant changes and clarifications in the juxtaposition between the existing NR&BL and the
proposed C&BL. The delegates approved adopting the proposed C&BL at the ANC (Resolution 2022-01).
The following National Officers were then elected or appointed:
National President: Denny Norris Elected *
National President-Elect Charles W. Warren Elected
National 1 VP: Carl J. Diamond Elected
National 2 VP: David D. Mahoney Elected
National 3 VP: Paul W. Pennybacker, Sr. Elected
National Secretary-Treasurer: Mark W. Underwood Elected *
National Chaplain: Robert T. Davies III Elected *
National Judge Advocate: Benjamin M. Yudesis Elected *
Surgeon: Bernard N. Harris Elected
Historian: Edward W. Nolte Elected
Photographer Jarrod K. Coffey Appointed
* Elected at the 101 ANC
The following Board of Trustees members were elected for a 3-year term:
Winton E. Hewitt, PNP , 2022-2025
Bryan L. Hill 2022-2025
Merlen F. Howe, PNP ,2022-2025
The National President accepted a motion to approve all the National Annual Reports as printed and
provided to the delegates. It was so moved, seconded, and approved.
The National President called on the President of NASOCOCO, Brother Carl J. Diamond for a report on the
future considerations for National meetings. Brother Diamond reported we met the contractual requirements
for this year’s ANC with the hotel. He announced the locations for the next 2 MWMs and next 2 ANCs:
2023 JAN MWM – Raleigh, NC
2023 JUN ANC – Harrisburg, PA
2024 JAN MWM – Tucson, AZ
2024 JUN ANC – Salt Lake City, UT
2025 JAN MWM – (TBD) Albuquerque, NM?
2025 JUN ANC – (TBD) St. Louis, MO?
The following Sojourners were elected to the Honor Awards Committee:
Martin D. Schwebel, PNC, for a 1-year term (2023) - to realign HAC back on 5-year terms
Edward W. Nolte for a 5-year term (2027)