Page 13 - Sojourner Newsletter- SUMMER 2022 -FINAL
P. 13
Vol. 99 Issue 3 13
The National Commander, Brother Paul W. Pennybacker Sr., called the National Encampment to order at
1300 hours, EDT, on Wednesday, June 15, 2022. The Chaplain, Brother R. Thomas Davies III, attended the
Bible and gave the opening prayer. All present were verified to be bona fide members of the Heroic Order of
the Heroes of ’76. The National Lieutenants presented the Colors and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was
recited in unison. Brother Michael D. Johnstone received applause for his rendition of the Toast To The Flag.
Brother Pennybacker then declared the National Encampment duly opened.
Brother Pennybacker introduced all Distinguish Heroes of ’76 present to include Commanders, Past Com-
manders, Past National Commanders, Van Deventer Award recipients, and the National Officers.
Brother Pennybacker stated that his report was previously published in the National Annual Reports and
moved that his annual report, and that of the National Adjutant, be accepted as printed. The motion was
seconded and approved.
There being no new nor old business to discuss or act upon, the National Commander proceeded to the
election of Officers for 2022-2023. Brother Pennybacker called upon the Nominating Committee Chairman,
Brother Marty Schwebel, PNC, for his report. Brother Schwebel announced the nomination of Brother
Randolph Geck, National Chief of Staff, to the office of National Commander, Brother Brian Coffey to be
National Chief of Staff, Brother Paul DeMerath to be National Assistant Chief of Staff and Brother Peter
Cauchon to be National Officer of the Day. After election of officers, Brother Geck made his appointments.
Brother Michael Wertz was appointed National Sentinel.
The following National Officers of the Order of Heroes of ’76 were elected or appointed and will serve for
the ensuing year:
National Commander: Randolph Geck Elected
National Chief of Staff: Brian Coffey Elected
National Assistant Chief of Staff: Paul DeMerath Elected
National Officer of the Day: Peter Cauchon Elected
National Senior Lieutenant: John Hillyer III Appointed
National Junior Lieutenant: Louis Numkin Appointed
National Commander of the Guard: Francisco Ortiz Appointed
National Sentinel: Michael Wertz Appointed
National Adjutant: Mark Underwood Appointed
National Judge Advocate: Benjamin Yudesis Appointed
National Historian: Edward Nolte Appointed
National Chaplain: R. Thomas Davies III Appointed
National Surgeon: Bernard Harris Appointed
National Musician: Paul McCullough Appointed
The following Heroes were elected to the Heroes Manual Committee:
Edward W. Nolte PNP, PNC, (2023) for a 1-year term - to realign HMC back on 2-year terms
William G.L. Turner PNP, PNC, (2024)
Following the elections, Brother Pennybacker called upon Brother Geck to give a presentation on the Heroes