Page 18 - Sojourner Newsletter- SUMMER 2022 -FINAL
P. 18
(L-r) : Andrew McVay, LOH, James R. “Bob” McConnell, LOH, Ben Yudesis, LOH, and Grand Dame
Mrs. Patricia McConnell
Fort Sam Houston Chapter #17. Our Bro. Bob McConnell was unable to attend the Annual National Convention
in Atlanta, GA in June, where it was announced that he was being awarded the most prestigious award in National
Sojourners, the Legion of Honor. Therefore, at the July 16, 2022 meeting of Fort Sam Houston Chapter #17, six Past
National Presidents, including two who hold the Legion of Honor themselves, presented the award to Bro. Bob. The
Legion of Honor, awarded for long, faithful and meritorious service to
National Sojourners is only awarded to one Sojourner annually at the
National Convention. Bro. McConnell’s military service and Masonic record
are both awe inspiring. He served in the US Air Force and was qualified to
fly fifteen types of aircraft during his career, during which he received two
Legions of Merit and three Meritorious Service Medals. His Masonic career
started in 1959 in Taconite Lodge 342 Silver Bay, Minnesota.
After retiring from the Air Force, he and his wife of 65 years, Grand Dame
Patricia, settled in San Antonio, TX. He joined Charles W. Anderson Lodge
No. 1413 and after serving as Secretary, he advanced through the officer line
and was Worshipful Master in 2015-2016. He has been honored many times
by the Grand Lodge of Texas for his work. He is a member of the York Rite
Bodies to include Commandry, the Scottish Rite and Alzafar Shrine.
His service in National Sojourners started in Fort Sam Houston Chapter # 17
in 1998 where he was the Chapter Secretary and after 3 years served as the
President, followed a year later as the Camp Commander. He served as
National President in 2012 where he developed and socialized a five-year
strategic plan and helped solidify and document our processes and
procedures. This is just a small example of the untiring efforts Brother Bob
McConnell has rendered to the Masonic family. He exemplifies the
qualities of a Masonic Brother, Leader and Standard Bearer for Freemasonry Brother Bob McConnell, LOH, cutting
in general and National Sojourners specifically. his celebratory cake.