Page 23 - Sojourner Newsletter- SUMMER 2022 -FINAL
P. 23
Vol. 99 Issue 3 23
Valley Forge Camp (Benjamin Franklin Chapter # 16). At Freedoms Foundation Valley Forge, PA,
(L-r) Bros. Winton Hewitt, Len Bezar and Gary Portnoy presented the “Building the Flag” program to
attendees at Freedoms Foundation Valley Forge, which was held at Valley Forge, PA from July 14-16,
2022. Bro. Denny Norris, National President, also attended the event. More will follow in the Fall issue of
The Sojourner, which will emphasize Bridge of Light and Youth Activities.
The Covid-19 virus, and its derivatives, still seem to hang in there, inflicting illness, misery and sometimes
death. Yes, people are still dying from Covid. I heartily suggest you get your two vaccinations and your first
and second booster shots if you haven't done so already. Getting them is a very small price to pay for
protection. Wearing a proper mask when congregating among multiple people is still a good idea, even if the
government doesn't mandate it. The life you save could very well be your own. Here's wishing all of you and
your loved ones good health, a good life and happiness .
Dr. Bernard N. Harris, M.D.