Page 23 - Sojourner Newsletter- SUMMER 2022 -FINAL
P. 23

Vol. 99 Issue 3                                                                                         23

                              FREEDOMS FOUNDATION VALLEY FORGE
            Valley Forge Camp (Benjamin Franklin Chapter # 16). At Freedoms Foundation Valley Forge, PA,
            (L-r)  Bros. Winton Hewitt, Len Bezar and Gary Portnoy presented the “Building the Flag” program to
           attendees  at Freedoms Foundation Valley Forge, which was held at  Valley Forge, PA from July 14-16,
           2022.  Bro. Denny Norris, National President, also attended the event. More will follow in the Fall issue of
           The Sojourner, which will emphasize Bridge of Light and Youth Activities.

                                           FROM YOUR NATIONAL SURGEON

            The Covid-19 virus, and its derivatives, still seem to hang in there, inflicting illness, misery and sometimes
         death. Yes, people are still dying from Covid.  I heartily suggest you get your two vaccinations and your first
         and  second  booster  shots  if  you  haven't  done  so  already.    Getting  them  is  a  very  small  price  to  pay  for
         protection.  Wearing a proper mask when congregating among multiple people is still a good idea, even if the
         government doesn't mandate it.  The life you save could very well be your own.  Here's wishing all of you and
         your loved ones good health, a good life and happiness .

                                                                          Dr. Bernard N. Harris, M.D.
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