Page 21 - Sojourner Newsletter- SUMMER 2022 -FINAL
P. 21
Vol. 99 Issue 3 21
Baldwin County Chapter #531. On October 23, 2021 the chapter conducted a Lodge of Military Tribute,
which included honoring First Responders and Veterans, at the Foley, AL Heritage Park. The event was
attended by First Responders from multiple municipalities and veterans, as well as local elected officials and
community members. Each veteran and first responder present was given time to introduce themselves and
speak about their service and received either a First Responder or Veteran pin. Alabama Masons received the
Grand Lodge of Alabama Masonic Veterans pin. A moment of silence was held for those who have lost their
lives during their time in service as either a first responder or a member of the military. “The whole purpose of
this gathering is to tell our first responders and veterans how much we appreciate them and how much we love
them,” said Fred Steiner, Past President of the Baldwin County Chapter #531 of National Sojourners. “I can’t
think of any job more dangerous than a first responder. They’re right in the middle of it, and all you have to do
is remember 20 years ago when you saw that tower coming down, you saw these guys in blue running to it.
They weren’t running away from danger; they were running to danger. Why do they do it? They have a
commitment to our community, their job is to protect and serve and that’s what they do, and they take it very
seriously. They lay their lives on the line every day.”
Bro. Fred Steiner, PP, PC, presented the Toast to
the Flag to the Foley, AL City Council on
December 6, 2021and the Orange Beach, AL City
Council on December 7, 2021. The City of Foley
and Mayor Ralph Hellmich also received a ‘thank
you’ plaque featuring the Toast to the Flag. The
presentation was made to thank the city for
hosting the Lodge of Military Tribute on Saturday,
October 23, 2021, at Heritage Park. Fred Steiner,
PP, PC, presents Foley, AL, Mayor Ralph
Hellmich with the plaque.