Page 20 - Sojourner Newsletter- SUMMER 2022 -FINAL
P. 20

20                                                                                           THE SOJOURNER
          Seminole  Chapter  #373,   Jim  Judovits,  Secretary.  Chapter President Brian Zeppa conducted the May
         meeting on May 12, 2022, at the Elks Lodge in Orlando, Florida.  At this meeting we held the installation of
         Chapter Officers for 2022-2023.   Bro. Marty Schwebel, PNC, delivered the Toast to The Flag. The Officers
         are President:  Brian Zeppa, 1  VP:  Chet King, 2 nd:  VP:  John Lucky and Secretary, Jim Judovits.  Also at this
         meeting we installed new officers for George F. Unmacht Camp, Heroes of ‘76.  The Installing Officers were
         Bro. Pedro Arroyo, PNC and Bro. Marty Schwebel, PNC, for both organizations.  The officers of the Camp
         are Commander, Jim Judovits, Chief of Staff, Chet King, Asst. Chief of Staff,  Brian Zeppa, Officer of the
         Day, Harry Eisenberg, Chaplain, Jim Dickenson and Adjutant, Pedro Arroyo, PNC. There were approximately
         20 in attendance, a delicious meal was served and everyone had a very enjoyable day.

              (L-r) President, Brian Zeppa, 1  VP, Chet King, 2 VP,    (Lr) Commander, Jim Judovits, Chief of Staff, Chet King, Asst.
              John Lucky and Secretary, Jim Judovits.          Chief of Staff,  Brian Zeppa, Officer of the Day, Harry Eisenberg,
                                                               Chaplain, Jim Dickenson
                                                                   Past  National  Commander,  Bro.  Martin  D.
                                                                 Schwebel, presided over our February 2022 meeting
                                                                 at the Elks Club in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday,
                                                                 February  10,  2022.    The  Camp    Commander
                                                                 delivered the Toast to The Flag and then Bro. Jim
                                                                 Judovits delivered the Purposes of Sojourners.  We
                                                                 initiated  two  new  members  who  are  outstanding
                                                                 leaders  in  our  community:  Imperial  Sir  Gary  J.
                                                                 Bergenske  and  III.  Edward  M.  Sexton.  Past
                                                                 National Commander, Bro. Pedro Arroyo delivered
                                                                 the  Obligation  and  Bro.  Schwebel  delivered  the
                                                                 Sojourner Medal Lecture.  Other items of business
                                                                 were  discussed  and  three  presentations  for  the
                                                                 Heroes  of  ’76  were  scheduled.    A  delicious  meal
                                                                 was  served  by  the  Elks  Club.    There  were
                                                                 approximately  25  Sojourners  and  guests  were  in
                                                                 attendance.  Submitted by Jim Dickenson.
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