Page 15 - Sojourner Newsletter- SUMMER 2022 -FINAL
P. 15
Vol. 99 Issue 3 15
We STILL need YOUR help!
As we return to our Chapters after ANC in Atlanta, both the National Office and your
webmaster are busily updating various files and webpages with new updated
information. But here’s the rub: EVERYONE wants the most up-to-date information
immediately after the ANC, and that’s precisely when the National Office and the
webmaster are inundated with new documents and tasks to update a lot of things.
There was a time – not too long ago – when the annual Staff Directory would be
provided to Secretaries as a printed document, sent out in late September and
sometimes into October. A couple of years ago, the webmaster took responsibility for making the Staff
Directory a digital document residing on the website. The first year, a draft version was released in late July
and periodically updated as errata were reported and new information came to our attention. This year, some
folks have been wondering why the new staff directory isn’t available yet (FYI, the preliminary version was
released to the website on 17 July!!!) Part of the reason it takes so long is that with about 160 Chapters in
various stages of activity, and the associated annual turnover of Presidents and Secretaries, as well as our
National Officers and Committees, we have to rely on YOU to get us the best information as soon as possible.
That means, for the Chapter, we need you to submit the CAR (Chapter Annual Report) AS SOON AS
POSSIBLE – even though it is due NLT July 31 . Likewise, we have to update a number of database records
to reflect new appointments to National Committees as well as the results of the Annual elections. All this
takes time, and like everyone else, I have other responsibilities besides National Sojourners. While I have a
limited cadre of assistants, if you’ve ever tried to maintain version control of a document while multiple enti-
ties make updates and changes, you know that it is almost (ALMOST) like trying to herd cats.
Next topic: The most common complaint I hear from the users is “I can’t log in.” Of course, that doesn’t tell
me whether you’re trying to login to our website or to the MMS (database) system to update information.
They are two completely different systems. I can help you resolve your problem! This, by the way, usually
involves someone forgetting a password or perhaps even their login ID. The more information you can
provide me about the nature of your problem, what you were doing, where you were working, etc. – will help
me get your problems resolved quicker.
Lastly: PLEASE make sure you routinely and often check your spam/junk folders on your computer email
systems. If you are waiting on a message from the website, it will come from and the chances are better than even that such an email will end up in the
junk/spam folder because your system doesn’t recognize it as being from a “safe” user. Every system is
different, so please check these folders BEFORE you complain that you aren’t getting an email response from
the system.
Bill Hickey
National Webmaster
We want you! If you have experience in WordPress and Website Development,
contact Brother Bill Hickey at or Brother Mark
Underwood at for more information.