Page 14 - Sojourner Newsletter- SUMMER 2022 -FINAL
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of ’76 Centennial Celebration, the Heroes’ “Centennial Toolkit” and explain the goals, awards and incentives
for the upcoming year. The motto for the year will be “Honor, Renew, Serve”, and he reminded everyone to
have ‘fun’ during the ensuing year.
Following the Centennial presentation, the National Commander called upon Brother Geck, and his Hero’s
degree cast, to confer the Heroes of ’76 degree upon Brother Michael H. Wilson, Past Grand Master of
Georgia, F&AM (2019). Brother Wilson was made a member of King Solomon Camp, Heroes of ’76 (Grand
Masters #996).
The National Encampment recessed at 1535 hours and then reconvened for the Bennington Banquet at 1800
hours following the invocation by Brother Thom Davies, National Chaplain. After dinner, a degree team lead
by Grand Dame Patti Turner, under the guidance of the National Den Mother, Lady Nancy Pennybacker,
conferred the Camp Follower degree on 6 new Camp Followers.
The National Commander presented the Wainwright Award to General Oglethorpe Camp, (Clarence H.
Cohen Chapter #162). The Van Deventer Trophy was presented to Brother Carl Diamond, PNC, Joseph
Warren Camp (Omaha Chapter #19).
The National Officers elected and appointed were then installed by Brother William G. L. Turner, PNP, PNC,
Installing Officer. Following the installation, Brother Turner presented Brother Geck with a special
Bennington Flag that had been flown over the Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary Soldier in Alexandria,
Virginia. Brother Geck then presented the Past National Commander’s Medal and the traditional National
Commander’s plaque to Brother Pennybacker for his dedicated service to the Order during 2021-2022.
Brother Pennybacker then addressed the guests and after some short remarks he thanked everyone “from the
bottom of his heart” for their support. He recognized the most senior Hero, Brother Henry Kuhn and our
newest Hero, Most Worshipful Brother Michael H. Wilson, PGM of GA.
Brother Geck then addressed the banquet guests, first by recognizing his Lady Carol and his brother Howard.
He thanked Brother Turner for installing the National Heroes officers and presented him with a token of his
appreciation. He then spoke about his goals for the ensuing year and the events planned for the Heroes
Centennial Celebration to celebrate 100 years of Heroes of ’76.
Before closing the Annual National Encampment (ANE), everyone sang God Bless America, and the
‘centennial cake’ was cut to signify the beginning of the Centennial Year. With the completion of business and
festivities, the ANE was closed following the Chaplain’s benediction.