Page 4 - Sojourner Newsletter- SUMMER 2022 -FINAL
P. 4

4                                                                                            THE SOJOURNER

                               NATIONAL COMMANDER’S MESSAGE

                                       I  want  to  thank  our  Heroes  of  ’76  for  electing  me  to  be  your  Centennial
                                       National Commander. Lady Carol and I will work very hard to earn your trust
                                       and respect this coming year. We plan to attend all the Area Encampments we
                                       know of and look forward to meeting each of you. We are very excited to be
                                       celebrating the 100 Year Anniversary of our Heroes of ’76 Order. There are
                                       many  exciting  events  and  celebrations  planned  for  the  coming  year  and  I
                                       encourage  each  of  you  to  look  at  the  Centennial  Tool  Kit  on  the  National
                                       Sojourners  website  (  and  become  thoroughly
                                       familiar with all that is available there. We will also be visiting our National
                                       Sojourners’ Founding Fathers grave sites to lay a wreath of respect for Brothers
                                       Van Deventer, Flournoy, Jones and Atwater. The ceremony information is on
                                       the website as well.  Our Theme this year is to “Honor our Founders, Renew
                                       Ourselves”  by  taking  advantage  of  these  wonderful  events  and  to  serve  our
                                       parent Order, National Sojourners, Inc. My moto is, “Heroes Foster Patriotism
                                       Through Service”. We are the public face of the National Sojourners and this
        Centennial Year is the time to shine. I challenge each of you to get into our Masonic organizations and put on
        one or more of our wonderful programs as a special effort. That will go a long way to making you a Centennial
        Hero, your Camp a Centennial Camp, and your Chapter a Centennial Chapter. Get the word out and lets have a
        real fun year.

          Sincerely and Fraternally
          Randy Geck, National Commander

                             NATIONAL COMMANDER BIOGRAPHY

                                   Lt Col Randolph F. Geck, U.S.A.F., National Commander #93 2022-23

          Personal:   Randy  was  born  in  Albuquerque,  New  Mexico  on  19  June  1948  to  Charles  and  Nettie  Fay  Geck  as  the  youngest  of  two
         children.  Randy’s Father was a Col in the New Mexico Army National Guard and inspired him to follow a military career.  Randy graduated
         from New Mexico Military Institute (NMMI) in 1966. He entered the Air Force as an Enlisted Member in 1967, in support of the Viet Nam
         War. Randy married Carol (West) and left the Air Force in 1970 to pursue his college education. Randy & Carol returned to New Mexico
         State University (NMSU) where she received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Education and Randy received his in Computer Systems
         Analysis. While at NMSU, Randy completed his R.O.T.C. education, including the required Flight Instruction Program (FIP), received his
         commission as a 2  LT in the US Air Force and was accepted into Undergraduate Pilot Training at Reece AFB, Lubbock TX.

          Military Career:  After commissioning at NMSU, Randy served another 26 years on active duty (30 altogether).
         Reese AFB, TX—1974-75:  Student Pilot.  Lt Geck flew the T-37 (Introductory Jet), and T-38 (Advanced Jet), and received his pilot
         Holloman AFB, NM—1975-75: Fighter Lead-in Training. Lt Geck transitioned into the F-5 Tiger Shark fighter to prepare for Advanced
           Fighter Training.
         Homestead AFB, FL—1975-75: F-4 Phantom Pilot.  Lt Geck flew the F-4E Phantom Fighter Aircraft with the 309  Tactical Fighter
         Langley AFB, VA—1975-79:  1  Fighter Wing & TAC HQ.  Lt Geck transitioned to the 1  Fighter Wing and because of the close of the
           Viet Nam War was selected to support the Tactical Air Command HQ in their computer arena and HQ Security.
         Pentagon, Washington, D.C.—1979-80:  Education with Industry. Capt. Geck joined the Federal Computer Performance & Simulation
           Center Consultation Team to provide a year-long critical review of FAA Operation in the Oklahoma Regional Center.
         Ottawa CN, — 1980-84: Officer Exchange Program Canadian National Defense Headquarters, Capt. Geck accepted diplomatic duty in
           Canada at their National Defence HQ.
         Norton  AFB,  CA—  1984-86:  Air  Force Inspector  General.  Capt. Geck was selected to tour with and provide major Facility and Base
           Exercise Inspections around the country and the world on behalf of the AF Inspector General.
         Offutt AFB, NE—1986-90:  Director of Security, HQ Strategic Air Command (SAC).  Maj Geck led the team that provided security
           oversight for all SAC bomber and missile bases. Major Geck was selected for promotion to Lt Col.
         Ramstein AB, GE – 1990-93: Allied Forces Central Europe, NATO Communication Branch Chief. Major Geck led a multi-national
           team of professional communicators providing advanced backbone communication for NATO nations from Norway to Turkey. His team
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