Page 20 - Sojourner Newsletter FALL 2022
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The 42 Annual Federal Area Conference and Encampment (FACE) of National Sojourners took place on
August 6, 2022, at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial (GWMNM) in Alexandria, VA. On
August 5, 2022 preliminary events included a wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the
American Revolution and an informal gathering of 21 Sojourners and Ladies at the local TGI Fridays
restaurant. On Saturday morning, August 6 , the Conference portion of FACE recognized the Chapters of the
Federal Area, whose participants enjoyed a presentation by the National President, Bro. Denny Norris, who
thereafter introduced Bro. Harry Sanders, PNP/LOH. Bro. Sanders provided an update on the Membership
Management Database System, the new National Constitution and Bylaws, and the status of the Policy and
Procedures Manual. The National Commander, Bro. Randy Geck, provided a detailed description of the events
planned for the 100 Anniversary of the founding of Heroes of ’76, the Centennial Toolkit, which is available
for everyone’s use and the awards that can be earned during the year. Lady Linda Sanner proposed that it
would be fitting for the National Sojourners and the Heroes of ’76 to dedicate a Bench and a Tree at the
GWMNM in their name and initial donations toward that goal were accepted. Bro. Geck then presented
several Patriot of ’76 Awards. The Federal Area Representative, Bro. Bill Sanner, presented Federal Area
Awards, including Sojourner of the Year to Bro. Ed Ford, Baltimore Chapter #7, Hero of the Year to Bro. Les
Albers, Light Horse Harry Lee Camp, Old Dominion Chapter #364, and Camp Follower of the Year to Lady
Irene Mertens-Shenandoah Valley Chapter #543. All enjoyed a Bennington Luncheon followed by singing
Happy Birthday to the Heroes of ’76 and a cake cutting by our PNC Paul Pennybacker and the junior Hero-to-
be, Bro. Fred Smith, who was being initiated as a Hero in the afternoon at the Encampment. The afternoon
began with the initiation of three new Camp Followers led by our National Den Mother Lady Carol Geck. The
ladies then were treated to a presentation by a speaker from Mount Vernon and the Heroes assembled to
conduct the Encampment where they initiated Rekruit Fred Smith-Baltimore #7. Following the initiation, the
day concluded with the Heroes of ’76 Centennial Rededication Ceremony. The 43rd Annual FACE is
scheduled for 19 August 2023 at the GWMNM.