Page 22 - Sojourner Newsletter FALL 2022
P. 22

22                                                                                            THE SOJOURNER
                          Centennial Founders Memorial Ceremonies

                           Brother Caleb Atwater

                             On Thursday, September 15, 2022, our National
                           Commander,     Brother    Randolph     Geck,
                           accompanied by our National Den Mother, Carol
                           Geck,  presided  over  a  Centennial  Founders
                           Memorial  Ceremony  in  Circleville,  Ohio,
                           honoring  Brother  Caleb  Atwater,  one  of  the
                           founders  of  our  Order.    Brother  Geck  was
                           assisted by Brother Carl Diamond, Past National
                           Commander and currently the 1  Vice President
         of  National  Sojourners,  as  they  placed  a  Centennial  Heroes  of  ’76
         wreath beside Brother Atwater’s grave marker.

                                                              Brother  Caleb  Atwater  was  raised  in  Pickaway  Lodge  #23,
                                                          Circleville, Ohio on October 7 , 1820.  His writing talents, his
                                                          devotion  to  Freemasonry,  and  his  interest  in  American  history
                                                          were  combined  when  he  wrote  an  essay  entitled  “The  Patriot
                                                          Masons  of  our  Country.”      Brother  Atwater  delivered  this
                                                          material as part of an oration at his Lodge in Circleville, Ohio on
                                                          June 25 , 1821.  His essay was subsequently published in a book
                                                          entitled  MASONIC  MISCELLANY  Vol  I,  1821-2  and  later
                                                          published in a presentation book entitled THE EMBLEM.  In his
                                                          essay,  Brother  Atwater  eloquently  describes  the  contributions
                                                          made by famed Freemasons who were founders of our nation.

          We consider Brother Atwater one of the founders of our order.  Brother E.B. Jones, who composed the Heroes of ’76
         Degree in 1875, used much of the beautiful writing of Brother Atwater’s patriotic, tributary essay within the Degree. The
         Founder’s Memorial Ceremony began with a procession to the gravesite, and all attendees played a role in the ceremony.

             Welcoming Remarks/Pronouncement – Bro. Paul DeMerath (Ceremony MC), National Assistant Chief of Staff
             Opening Prayer – Bro. David Williamson, Reg. Rep. (Ohio River Valley), Secretary, Dayton #67
             Toast to the Flag – Bro. Mike Wertz, National Sentinel
             NSI Purposes – Bro. Pete Cauchon (Musket Bearer), National Officer of the Day
             History of the Order of Heroes of ‘76/Intro to Bro. Caleb Atwater Biography – Bro. Paul DeMerath
             Bro. Caleb Atwater Biography – Bro. Carl Diamond, Past National Commander/National 1  Vice President, NSI
             National Commander’s Remarks/Wreath Laying Prayer/Ceremony – Bro. Randolph Geck, National Commander
             Taps – Bro. Paul DeMerath
             Closing Prayer – Bro. David Williamson
             Sword Bearer and National Commander’s Standard Bearer – George “Fritz” McMullin, Committee of 33
             Ceremony Photographer – Lady Carolyn Diamond, Grande Dame
             Ceremony Videographer – Lady Carol Geck, National Den Mother
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