Page 27 - Sojourner Newsletter FALL 2022
P. 27

Volume 99, Issue 4                                                                                      27

          After the Bro. Jones graveside ceremony, everyone departed for the trip of
        roughly 90 miles back to Clarksville, Tennessee, where the Heroes were to
        attend an Encampment hosted by the Old Hickory Camp.  The Encampment
        took place at Clarksville Lodge #89 and the Old Hickory Camp performed the

        vast majority of the degree, led by Camp Commander, William Welty.  The
        Recruit, Brother John Routzahn, Jr., newly elected Secretary of Fort Campbell
        Chapter #177, successfully passed the muster, joining the ranks of the Heroes
        of ’76.

          Immediately following the Encampment, everyone gathered at the host hotel
        for  a  wonderful  Bennington  Banquet.    The  evening  included  a  POW/MIA
        (Missing  Warriors)  Table  Ceremony,  a  Candlelight  Ceremony  for  Brothers
        Flournoy and Jones, and a birthday cake with the singing of “Happy Birthday”
        to celebrate the Heroes of  ’76 Centennial.  We also heard from our National Den Mother, Lady Carol Geck, as she
        presented a truly marvelous presentation regarding the true meaning of being a Camp Follower during the time of the
        Revolutionary  War,  and the  history  of  the Camp  Followers  degree  within  our Order.   Many  National  Commander’s
        awards, as well as local Chapter/Camp annualThe following list highlights the key participants of the evening:

           Master of Ceremonies – Bro. Dean “Buzz” Grimes, Regional Representative (Middle Central South – West TN)
             and Adjutant of Old Hickory Camp
           Host – Bro. William Welty, Commander of Old Hickory Camp
           Color Guard – Led by Commander of the Guard, Bro. James Goethe
           POW/MIA Ceremony and Candlelight Ceremony – Bro. Steve Singleton (narrator), Bro. Charles Griffin,  (honors
             & illuminator), Bro. Paul DeMerath (Taps)
           Keynote Address/Centennial Celebration Overview – Bro. Randolph Geck, National Commander

           The following day, our National Commander. Bro. Geck and Lady Carol returned to the gravesite of Brother Atwater
        and installed a permanent Marker in the form of the Heroes Centennial Medallion) on his headstone awards were also
        presented.  The evening was full of fun and fellowship!

        [Article continues on Page 35]
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