Page 29 - Sojourner Newsletter FALL 2022
P. 29

Volume 99, Issue 4                                                                                      29

                                                                           (L-R) Bro. Chris Sands, Cadet Dalilah Legenski

          Denver-Fitzsimons Chapter #37, Bill Hickey, Secretary. The
         Chapter meets on the 2nd Wednesdays for a lunch meeting at the
         Golden  Corral  in  Sheridan,  CO,  a  southern  suburb  of
         Denver.    Our  September  meeting  hosted  Brother  (not  a
         Sojourner)  Tom  Wellborn  of  the  Sons  of  the  American
         Revolution (SAR).  Tom was dressed in the uniform of the 1st
         Virginia  Regiment  of  the  Continental  Army.    He  brought  his
         genuine  French  flintlock  muzzleloader  with  him  and  gave  us
         some valuable insights into several common phrases in use today
         that originated in the 1700's.  Those would be: "Lock, Stock, and
         Barrel";  "Flash  in  the  Pan";  "Knock  on  Wood";  "Fire  in  the
         Hole";  "Rounds  (bullets/ammunition)";  "Bite  the  Bullet";  and
         "Half-Cocked."  His presentation was not only informative and
         educational, but very entertaining.  Your Chapter might consider
         contacting  a  member  of  a  nearby  SAR  group  and  have  them
         come  to  speak;  in  many  cases,  they  might  even  be  brethren
         eligible to join National Sojourners and just don't know it.
                                                                           (L-R) Commander Boyd Decker, Cadet Mendez,
                                                                           Bro. Chris Sands.

           Northern  New  Jersey  Chapter  #42,  On May 27, 2022, Bro.
         Chris  Sands  presented  the  National  Sojourners  Medal  to  Cadet
         Dalilah  Legenski  at  the  Seton  Hall  University  Army  ROTC
         Military Ball/Awards Ceremony.

           On  June  6,  2022,  Bro.  Chris  Sands  presented  Cadet  Jason
         Mendez,  a  member  of  Linden  High  School  Naval  JROTC  unit
         with  the  National  Sojourner  JROTC  medal  at  their  Awards

           On June 20, 2022, Bro. Michael Hrycak presented the National
         Sojourners  ROTC  Medal  to  cadet  Abel  Hidalgo  at  the  Perth
         Amboy Naval JROTC awards ceremony.

                                                                              (L-R front) Bro. Hrycak and Cadet Hidalgo
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