Page 31 - Sojourner Newsletter FALL 2022
P. 31

Volume 99, Issue 4                                                                                      31
           Fredericksburg  Chapter  #545,  Shelton  S.          James  Monroe  Chapter  #549.  At  the  regular
         Mackey,  III,  Secretary.  Rising  like  a  phoenix,   meeting the James  Monroe Chapter #549 of Central
         Fredericksburg  Chapter  No.  545  greets  its  three   and Western  Virginia  on 10  August 2022, President
         newest  members,  Bros.  Joseph  K.  Gilkerson,      Jeffery  Hodges  presented  author  Connie  Lapallo  a
         Christopher  S.  Tripp,  and  Robert  J.  Breitenbach   Chapter Americanism Award for her literary efforts
         during  its  September  2022  meeting  at  Scafa’s   in  depicting  the  trials  and  tribulations,  hopes  and
         Italian Restaurant in Fredericksburg, Virginia. With   dreams of the Colonial Women who helped to found
         many of its members moving away, the Chapter has     Jamestown and Colonial Virginia.  Ms. Lapallo wrote
         continuously struggled to hold meetings since 2017   a trilogy of books based on stories she heard from her
         but has remained determined to endure. In the post-  family.    Many  of  her  relatives  were  the  original
         COVID  world,  the  Chapter  has  worked  hard       women  who  were in Jamestown. Ms.  Lapallo’s  visit
         on  membership  growth  and  has  since  seen  a     was arranged by Camp Follower Lady Susan Hodges.
         renewal,  bringing  into  the  chapter  a  total  of  9   Her  presentation  was  part  of  the  book  club  that  the
         members  during  the  last  12  months,  with  a  few   Ladies  of  the  Chapter  have  organized.  The  Chapter
         more to come.                                        donated  $340.00  to  the  Jamestown-Yorktown
                                                              Foundation (JYF) in honor of Ms. Lapallo for the JYF
                                                              to continue their educational work on the founding of
                                                              our country.

         (L-R) Bro. Shelby Chandler, President,
         Bro. Gilkerson, Bro. Tripp, Bro. Breitenbach

                                                                   (L-R) Ms. Lapallo, President Jeffrey Hodges
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