Page 30 - Sojourner Newsletter FALL 2022
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Seminole Chapter #373, SP4 Jim Judovits, Garden State Chapter #438, Chris Sands, Secretary.
Secretary. Chapter President Brian J. Zeppa The Chapter met at Atlas-Pythagoras Lodge #10 on
conducted the September meeting on September 8, September 28 . We invited the New Jersey Grand
2022, at the Winter Park Elks Lodge in Orlando, Lodge’s Grand Historian Bro. Moises Gomez, who
Florida. Bro. Martin Schwebel, PNC delivered the presented a lecture on Freemasonry and the
Toast to the Flag. President Zeppa read the Underground Railroad .
Purposes of National Sojourners. We initiated Bro.
Jeffery Lee Sizemore as an Honorary Member In
Perpetuity into our Chapter. President Zeppa
delivered the Sojourners Lecture and the
Obligation and Bro. Schwebel delivered the
National Sojourners’ Medal Lecture. Bro. Michael
McMillan acted as Marshal. Robert Stihler,
Commander, US Naval Reserve, and Chapter
Representative for ROTC & JROTC for more than
9 years, suggested the Chapter appoint younger
member to take his post as he was thinking of
retiring. Our guest speaker was Illustrious Zeb
Blanton, 33 , who spoke about his over 20 years
with the Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety
Department and most recently working with
SGS—Global, dealing with several foreign
countries. He has been to 40 countries and was
targeting 50. Ill. Zeb was fascinating to listen
to. Bro. Pedro A. Arroyo, CW5, USA (Ret.) had
been hospitalized for 5 days for fluid on his lungs
and heart problems. Rev. Richard D. Black and
Lady Midge have moved down towards Ft. Myers,
Florida to be near their son. We were served a
delicious meal of meatloaf or fish. There were
approximately 25 people in attendance. Everyone
had an incredibly good time together. Kneeling (L-r): Barry Cummings, Jeancarlo
Galindo. First row: Jeff Boland, Pedro
[No picture submitted] Laracuente, NJ Grand historian Moises Gomez,
Chris Sands, Peter Cook. Standing (L-r): Mike
Hrycak, John Lindsom. Photographer: President
Ray Ortiz III
Fort Stewart Chapter #396: Fort Stewart Chapter
had a fun and busy month of August celebrating the
100 Years of the Heroes of ‘76. We are actively
checking off our toolkit. We started the month off by
singing happy birthday and having a cake cutting
event for our Heroes. We also handed out a framed
Toast of the Flag and Plaque to Hog N Bones for
their ongoing support to the Chapter. A few of us
made it to the Carolina ACE in Charleston, SC to
initiate raise a new Hero. The Chapter is looking
forward to holding more centennial events and Bro. Wayne Barnes, PNP,
having a blast doing so. cutting the Centennial Cake
Presenting a plaque to Hog N