Page 4 - Sojourner Newsletter-WINTER 2021-2022
P. 4

4                                                                                            THE SOJOURNER

                                    NATIONAL SECRETARY’S DESK

                                  Dear Secretaries and members:

                                  I am using the format of numbering my comments for emphasis and to make it easier
                                  to read.

                                  1.It is paramount and imperative that ALL Chapter Secretaries and/or their Assis-
                                  tant Secretaries to  be registered, gain  access  to,  and utilize both our National  So-
                                  journers® website and our database (MMS). You must have a username and pass-
        word for the website and, for security reasons, you must have a SEPARATE username and password for the
        MMS. Our webmaster and IT Chairman, Brother Bill Hickey will be most happy to help you with these en-
        deavors. The webmaster can be contacted at

            2.The National President, Brother Wayne Barnes, wants ALL Chapter Secretaries to contact their living
        members and verify the following information is correct in the MMS in their member’s profiles – mailing ad-
        dress, phone numbers and email address. If you see that other information is incorrect, please update their
        record. Contacting your members not only provides us with valuable information - it allows YOU the oppor-
        tunity to communicate with members you have not seen in years or you may not know. Use that opportunity to
        invite them to a meeting, find out what kind of programs they would like to enjoy at a Chapter meeting, or see
        if they would like to participate in a committee or other function of the Chapter.

            3.This year’s Chapter Annual Report (CAR) is currently being updated based on the feedback from various
        Chapter Secretaries. The CAR will be sent out to the Secretaries and it will be posted in the Chapter Secretary
        Area of the website once  we  finish  updating  it. Once you have your annual meeting, have elected and in-
        stalled your new officers PLEASE fill it out and send it to . The final due date is 31
        July but I hope the majority of the Chapters send the CAR in May or June. Thank you for your cooperation!

            Sincerely and Fraternally,

            Mark W. Underwood

                                            01 July 2021 Thru 20 January 2021

                      New Clubs
                       Western Nebraska Club has been formed under Omaha Chapter #19

                      New Chapters

                      New Camps
                       Maj Gen John Clark Camp has been formed under Dobbins Chapter #434
                       Gen Elijah Clarke Camp has been formed under Lyman Hall Chapter #557
                       Musket Ball Camp has been formed under Minuteman Chapter #995
                       King Solomon Camp has been formed under Grand Masters Chapter #996

                      In-Memorium Chapters
                       Yosemite Chapter #520
                       East Valley Chapter #521
                       Prisoner of War Chapter #523

                      Closed Chapters
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