Page 7 - Sojourner Newsletter-WINTER 2021-2022
P. 7

Vol. 9 Iss. 1                                                                                             7

                                   Heroes of ‘76 Centennial Celebration

          Sojourners, Heroes ’76 and Camp Followers:
          We enjoyed a very productive Mid-Winter Meeting in Baton Rouge, LA and are hard at work in our respec-
         tive Chapters and Camps. I applaud all your dedication, enthusiasm, and leadership. Please keep up this good
         work. Our Order depends on you.
          This Sojourner Magazine article continues my comments concerning our upcoming and rapidly approaching
         Heroes of ’76 Centennial Celebration which will begin during our Annual National Conference and Encamp-
         ment in Atlanta this June. I encourage you to visit your NSI Website, under the News & Events Tab at the top,
         to see the latest information available about this celebration. Some major points become very clear when you
         read my previous articles and go over the information on the website. They include 1) The Tool Box. It is on
         the website and is very important to  you, and 2) we want and need as many Area/Regional Encampments
         (AC&E) this coming year as we can possibly muster. This will take your continued dedication and leadership.
         If you have already scheduled a Conference and Encampment Area or Region, Bravo. Your Encampment will
         need everyone’s focus and support. So, I highly encourage everyone to be engaged with the process and help
         in every way you can.
          If there is no Encampment scheduled in your Area or Region, then it certainly is not too late to plan and exe-
         cute a Centennial Encampment. As I stated in my last article, we hope to have a Conference & Encampment in
         every Area during our Centennial Celebration. These Encampments are not difficult to put together and our
         NSI Website has some great information in the Members Only Section, Chapter Officers Resources: Hosting
         an Area Conference and Encampment plus Area Conference Meeting Guide. These are very good resources to
         guide  you through the process.  I have enjoyed coordinating several  AC&Es and  I  can say they are not  as
         daunting as one might think when putting one on for the first time. They simply need dedicated commitment,
         good planning, and solid leadership. I will share with you a formula I have found that works well to put on a
         successful AC&E.
          Have your team and guests arrive the day before the AC&E (Friday for instance). Plan an interesting tour or
         activity in the afternoon or evening they can enjoy together. Follow this with a no host dinner, where the mem-
         bership may meet the National President and Commander and the National Line Officers who are attending.
         This gives your folks and visitors an opportunity to get to know their leadership, ask questions and learn what
         these leaders are planning for our Order. The AC&E then begins early the next day (Saturday) with registra-
         tion and light refreshments.  Provide some interesting leadership training before the formal opening, such as
         “How to run a Successful Chapter Meeting”, or other germane topics.  Open the Conference with introductions
         and comments from the Area/Regional Representatives, Chapter leadership (i.e., good lessons learned), Na-
         tional Commander and President. This is all laid out in the webpage listed above.  Break for an enjoyable Ben-
         nington style luncheon (Ladies Masonic Organizations can provide wonderful meals as a fund raiser). The af-
         ternoon begins the with Hero  of ’76 degree. It is always a good idea to look for very distinguished Sojourner
         to be your Recruits, such as a current or Past Grand Master, head of an Appendant Masonic Body or famous
         Military Leader (for instance, a Medal of Honor or Purple Heart recipient). Try to plan some fun event for
         your non-Heroes and guests to enjoy while the Hero’s Degree is conferred. The event could be a tour, wine
         tasting, crafts program, etc. After the Hero’s degree, you may open the proceedings up again to host a Camp
         Follower degree or save it for the evening festivities. That evening you may invite all to enjoy fellowship in a
         no-host cocktail hour, followed by a Bennington Dinner (again the ladies organizations can help). The dinner
         is a great opportunity to recognize hard working members in your Area, as well as having Awards presented
         by the National President or Commander. You can have the distinguished Hero provide remarks or present
         another appropriate program.  This is a wonderful time to host your Camp Follower degree. The participants
         can travel the following day.
          I hope this example of an AC&E gives you some good ideas of what might work for you and your member-
         ship. You will need to work through your respective Area/Regional Representatives to get this going, but you
         need to start planning and organizing NOW. Lady Carol and I look forward to visiting every one of your Area/
         Regional Encampments next term and I am always available to provide any good council I can to help you be
         successful. Join us to enjoy a wonderful and fun-filled Centennial Heroes of ’76 Celebration.
         Randy Geck
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