Page 5 - Sojourner Newsletter-WINTER 2021-2022
P. 5
Vol. 9 Iss. 1 5
Greetings fellow Heroes. I hope you all had a blessed Christmas, Hanukkah, and New
Year’s holidays. Unfortunately, since my second article in the Sojourner there has not
been much activity. My attendance at the December “encampment” in Hawaii was vir-
tual due to the pandemic but we looked forward to the Mid-Winter Meeting in Baton
Rouge, LA in January.
Our local Chapters are getting back to normal operations and new Heroes are being wel-
comed into our ranks. I encourage all of camps to continue to hold meetings and bivou-
acs, being careful to keep within the pandemic guidelines of your Grand Lodge direc-
A new “Build A Flag” kit is available. The information is posted on our website. Broth-
er PNC/N2VP Carl Diamond is building these new kits and we have heard from those who have them that they
are Great! Thanks, Bro. Carl.
The Mid-Winter Meeting of our Order in Baton Rouge, LA. was a great time as we thoroughly enjoyed the
fellowship of our Brother Heroes and Sojourners. We found the meetings both informative and interesting.
While the Annual National Convention is still a few months away, we hope that many of you will be able to
attend. We have an exciting Heroes’ Wednesday planned for June 15th in Atlanta. Be sure to make your reser-
vations early. It will be a great time as we enter our Centennial year as Heroes.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Paul W. Pennybacker, Sr.
National Commander
Heroes of ‘76
I know you have heard the phrase, “There is a light at the end of the tunnel.” Sometimes that light is the
sky as you come out of the tunnel, sometimes it is a train, and might even be Darth Vader holding a light
saber. The end of this time of troubles may not be coming as soon as we would like, but that does not
mean there can’t be light. We can be the “Bridge of Light” within our Masonic family. Through our vari-
ous programs of Building the Flag, Lodge of Military Tribute, Service Flags, Historical Flags, our great
Toast to the Flag, and others, we can provide programs of interest as Masonic and Appendant Bodies rein-
vigorate their membership and get them back to active, in-person meetings.
When the Worshipful Master or other leader publicizes an interesting program, the members will want
to attend. We miss the fellowship and enjoyment of being together, but we need to give the members a
reason to leave their recliners and comfortable home to venture to the Lodge once more.
Even if in-person meetings are still curtailed, you can provide a program via a video teleconference plat-
form. Be creative! Do not let the circumstances dictate our response.
Bring the light of Patriotism, Americanism, and Fellowship to our Brothers and Sisters in the Masonic
Family. Be the Bridge of Light so we do not even enter the tunnel!