Page 9 - Sojourner Newsletter-WINTER 2021-2022
P. 9

Vol. 9 Iss. 1                                                                                             9

          Brother Lawlor lives with his wife Natalie in Southington, CT, and he is a rarity in another way.  He is among
        the less than one-tenth of one percent of enlisted men who have risen to the rank of Brigadier General.
          In his remarks, Wor. and Brig. Gen. Lawlor stated “I am so incredibly humbled and honored to be recognized
        here today.  I’m even more humbled when I look out over the audience knowing that this honor would never
        have been possible without all of you, and many others. While it has never been my goal to be recognized in
        this way, it has always been my goal to serve others, especially those closest to me. It is my family, my friends,
        my co-workers, and my community that have provided me the support and inspiration over the years in order
        that I could reach such a pinnacle. I hope this sign we place here today inspires a young man or woman in the
        future to pursue their goals, to serve their community, to reach their potential. And now (expressing his fond
        memories of Blackie’s) let us conclude the remainder of the formalities and get on with celebrating!  Eat up;
        the hot dogs are on me!”

          KIT CARSON #447. Veterans Day 2021 was quite a day for Kit Carson Chapter #447 of Albuquerque, New
        Mexico.   We took our show 225 miles south and Aztec Lodge No. 3 in Las Cruces opened their doors for
        us. Las Cruces Chapter No. 10, Order of the Eastern Star, served a delicious dinner.  After dinner Worshipful
        Master Robert Fike opened the Lodge and then called off to refreshment.  The Chapter was then opened and
        we initiated twelve new members.  The new members came from Las Cruces, White Sands and Eunice, New
        Mexico and from El Paso, Texas. President William LaRue conducted the initiation assisted by Brothers Dion
        Newhouse, Arland Blackburn, Larry McDougal, Randy Geck, National Chief of Staff of the Heroes of '76, and
        Joe Lowry from White Sands and Roger Sellers from Las Cruces.
          After  the  initiation  the  following  new  members  were  welcomed  into  our  ranks:  Steve  Almager,  Brandon
        Brooks, Buefaro R.  Brown, Omar Estrada, Robert Fike, Pete Loaiza, Rafael Martínez, David Ortiz, Ernesto
        Torres Ortiz, Gary Quimey, Benjamín Soto and Lorenzo Villa.
          The  Jonathan  M.  Wainwright  Camp,  Heroes  of  '76,  then  conducted  a  Building  the  Flag  program.  Randy
        Geck, Dion Newhouse, Arland Blackburn, Larry McDougal, William LaRue and Joe Lowry took part in the
        ceremony.   It was well received by the audience. Submitted by J. William LaRue

                                                                         SHENANDOAH VALLEY #543. On No-
                                                                          vember 27, 2021, we met at Unity Lodge in
                                                                          Front Royal, VA. At that time Lady Wanda
                                                                          Lawson, Camp Follower, gave a report on
                                                                          the Toys for Tots yearly mission to supply
                                                                          toys to all local area needy children. Wan-
                                                                          da  is  an  area  representative  for  Warren
                                                                          County  and  she  has  been  collecting  toys
                                                                          and donations since back in early spring. A
                                                                          few  years  ago  Wanda  received  a  plaque
                                                                          from  the  Marine  Corps’  Toys  for  Tots
                                                                          headquarters in appreciation for all her ef-
                                                                          forts on behalf of the program. Each  year
                                                                          Wanda waits for toys to go on sale in local
                                                                          stores, especially Walmart, where she used
                                                                          to work. She puts all donations of money to
                                                                          good  work  to  find  bargains  wherever  she
                                                                          can. She also works at the distribution cen-
                                                                          ter  sometimes  to  help  fill  stockings  and
                                                                          boxes  with  the  toys  requested.  For  a  few
              TAMPA BAY #252. Shown are Bros. Rob St. John and            months  Wanda’s  home  looks  like  Santa’s
             Bob Kershner receiving the Chapter Americanism awards        workshop as she stores  the toys until it is
             for  2020  and  2021,  respectively,  presented  by  Chapter   time to send them out. She has done a won-
             President Bro. Chuck Bailey at the December 2021 meet-       derful  job  and  every  year  the  Chapter  is
             ing.                                                        truly proud of her hard work.
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