Page 3 - Sojourner Newsletter-Fall 2023 v1.3
P. 3

Volume 100, Issue 4                                                                                       3

                                    NATIONAL COMMANDER’S MESSAGE

                                    In  our  Purposes,  we  claim  that  “developing  true  patriotism  and  Americanism
                                  throughout  the  nation”  is  one  of  the  purposes  of  the  National  Sojourners.  The
                                  Heroes of ’76 support these aims by dressing in Colonial Uniforms and presenting
                                  the Programs of the National Sojourners. But where do we define Americanism?

                                  Before we define Americanism, let’s take a look at why it is important. We live in
                                  an age where there are those in our own country that are trying to tear down the
                                  very  foundations  of  our  Nation  and  who  claim  that  Americanism  is  a  bad  thing.
                                  They  feel  that  we  are  a  bad  country  and  that  we  should  not  be  proud  to  be
                                  Americans. Well, I am proud to be an American, and proud to share our values with
                                  others. This is the primary purpose of many of our Veterans’ organizations, to foster
                                  a love and faith in our country, based on the principles of our founding.

          Brother  President  Theodore  Roosevelt  said,  “Americanism  means  the  virtues  of  courage,  honor,  justice,
         truth, sincerity, and hardihood – the virtues that made America.” Citizens of the United States of America,
         whether natural-born or naturalized, need to hear and understand the virtues described by Brother Roosevelt.
         We need to understand what it means to be an American. Our Programs help us to share and demonstrate these
         values with others.

          America has an identity that falls in line with our Masonic Values: freedom of thought, speech and action
         (from the Scottish Rite Creed); equality before the law; independence; democracy and progress.

          According  to  the  American  Legion,  “Americanism  is  an  ideology  or  a  belief  in  devotion,  loyalty,  or
         allegiance to the United States of America, or respect for its flag, its traditions, its customs, its culture, its
         symbols, its institutions, or its form of government.”

          I  challenge  you  to  use  the  programs  of  our  Order  to  foster  and  promote  Americanism  in  our  Nation,
         especially to our youth. Do not sit and wait for an invitation to present a program, actively seek opportunities.
         Talk to your school systems, churches, and civic organizations in your area and let them know what we have
         to offer. And then present the programs well!

          This is our Purpose.

          Brian C. Coffey
          National Commander
          Heroes of ‘76
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