Page 8 - Sojourner Newsletter-Fall 2023 v1.3
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8                                                                                            THE SOJOURNER


                             2023 Spirit of America Youth Leadership Conference

                                          (Photo credit: Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge)

           The 2023 Spirit of America Youth Leadership Conference (SA-YLC) sponsored by National Sojourners, Inc.® was
         held at Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge (FFVF) in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania from Thursday, 13 July to Sunday,
         16  July  2023.    As  always,  the  event  was  a  great  learning  experience  for  all  in  attendance.    This  year’s  attendance
         included 49 people, including 28 students and 10 adult chaperones sponsored by National Sojourners, plus eight students
         and three student-ambassadors sponsored by FFVF.  Our sincerest thanks are due to the many Sojourners from across the
         country  who  coordinated  the  funding  and  travel  for  the  youth  and  adult  participants,  and  to  the  Spirit  of  America
         Education Foundation for providing much needed tuition assistance.

           Following  a  reception  for  the  students  on  Thursday  afternoon,  National  Americanism  Chairman,  Brother  Michael
         Wertz welcomed the students at the Orientation Ceremony on Thursday evening, and relayed National President Brother
         Charles  Warren,  Sr’s  welcome  message  to  the  students.    Unfortunately,  Brother  Warren  was  unable  to  travel  to
         Phoenixville in person this year due to other Masonic duties.

           This  year’s  Living  History  presentations  included  a  very  interesting  interaction  between  John  Adams  and  Thomas
         Jefferson.    During  their  presentation  they  provided  keen  insights  into  the  thoughts  and  actions  of  the  Founders  and
         Framers. Following the presentation, they posed for pictures with all the students and chaperones on the porch of the
         Martha Washington Building.  Later in the weekend, Brother and General George Washington paid a visit, and regaled
         the audience with several of his experiences during the late Revolutionary War.

           Throughout the weekend, students participated in a series of team-building exercises, including participation on various
         committees,  seminars  on  Constitutional  Law,  and  mock  legislative  procedures.  A  highlight  of  the  conference  was  a
         Declaration of Independence signing ceremony, presented by another historical figure, James Wilson.  Sojourners who
         attended this year’s Annual National Convention in Harrisburg had the opportunity to experience a similar event, when
         James Wilson delivered his candle-lamp message at the Bennington Banquet.

           The  conference  culminated  with  a  banquet  where  students  were  recognized  by  their  peers  with  various  awards.
         Noteworthy, was the recognition of our Sylvia J. Norris Memorial Scholarship recipient, Cadet Luis Matthew Lucas
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