Page 5 - Sojourner Newsletter-Fall 2023 v1.3
P. 5

Volume 100, Issue 4                                                                                       5

                                            FROM THE WEBMASTER

                         SECURITY – it’s more important than ever before.  If you haven’t been watching all
                         the arguments about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential impacts on everyday
                         life,  you  just  haven’t  been  paying  attention  or  you’re  paying  attention  to  the  wrong
                         things.    AI  is  becoming  even  more  prevalent  in  state-sponsored  hacking  as  well  as
                         malware  and  phishing  schemes  than  ever  before.    And,  because  AI  “learns”  as  it  is
         used, the emails you get from these nefarious characters will LOOK AND FEEL more and more like
         the “real thing” and will make you think it’s safe to “click” on the link they provide.

           Simple truth: NEVER, EVER click on an embedded link in an email – no matter how good a friend
         it is from or how much you “trust” the source.  Be suspicious of every instance with an embedded
         link.  If it is necessary, open your browser and go DIRECTLY to the site in question, log in with your
         credentials, and verify whatever it is that came to you in that email.

           Yes, it is POSSIBLE that the email is legitimate, but as AI becomes more and more present in our
         lives, you won’t be able to “trust” even your favorite news sources.

           When I first became a naval cryptologic officer, the Navy sent me to the Naval Security Station for a
         two week special intelligence course entitled “Manipulative Communications Cover and Deception.
         Now, this was in 1971.  Imagine what technology has done in the intervening years!  We studied a
         number of deception programs – back to the Roman times, up to the 7-day Israeli/Egyptian War and a
         lot  in  between.    Perhaps  the  most  intricate  and  involved  (and  successful)  deception  plan  ever
         implemented was what we called “The Man Who Never Was” (which, by the way, is the title of a
         movie starring Clifton Webb) – it  tells the story of a British plan to fool the German High Command
         and Hitler about where the D-Day landings were to take place.  It’s a fantastic story, and there are
         twists and turns (that were real) that will make you wonder just how they were successful.

           The bottom line of that course was … you CANNOT absolutely trust any source of information by
         itself.    And,  under  the  right  circumstances,  you  can’t  trust  it  even  if  there  are  other  corroborating
         sources.  You have to be REALLY diligent to keep yourself out of the malware world.

           You can say, “but I don’t have anything worthwhile”, and unfortunately, it’s not your opinion (or
         mine) that matters – it’s the malware provider’s assessment – whether they can get enough $$$ in
         return for their effort to make it worthwhile.  And, of course, there’s always the mischievous hacker
         that is just doing this stuff to see how much hate and discontent they can create.  Brothers, it won’t
         matter  one  iota  what  political  party,  religion,  or  any  other  social  label  you  have  –  these  folks  are
         “equal opportunity” hackers.

           A word to the wise is sufficient.  Keep running your antivirus/antimalware programs REGULARLY!

             – Bill Hickey, National Webmaster (
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