Page 7 - Spring Sojourner Newsletter-Spring 2024 Final
P. 7

Volume 101, Issue 2                                                                                       7

          CAMP NEWS

          LIGHT HORSE HARRY LEE CAMP, Old Dominion Chapter #364 (Les Albers, Adjutant).
          On 31 January 2024, thirteen Heroes of ‘76 gathered at American Legion Post 176 in Springfield, Virginia to
         conduct  the  Heroes  ceremony  for  US  Army  veteran,  Recruit  Steven  Wasko.  Camp  Commander  Daniel
         Clark,organized a superb staff and everyone had a role to play. Significant contributions were made by Area
         Representative Brother William Sanner (Past president, Committee of 33). Ritual passages done from memory
         included:  Toast  to  the  Flag,  Sixth  Canto,  Bennington  Flag  Lecture.  This  was  a  wonderful  ceremony  that
         welcomed a genuine Hero into our ranks.

                            New Hero, Steve Wasko (in BDUs) with Heroes from Light Horse Harry Lee Camp

           COL GEORGE F. UNMACHT CAMP, Seminole Chapter #373 (Jim Judovits, Adjutant).
           Commander  Chet  King  conducted  the
         Bennington Banquet Program on Thursday,
         February  8,  2024,  at  the  Elks  Lodge  in
         Orlando, Florida. PNC Martin D. Schwebel
         delivered “The Bennington Flag Lectures”.
         Commander King delivered Proudly Salute
         Past  Commanders  of  Col.  George  F.
         Unmacht Camp and their Ladies.
           Commander  King  also  delivered  “He
         Who  Serves”.     Secretary  Jim  Judovits
         delivered  “Don’t  Grieve  For  Us”.    Bro.
         John B. Lucyk delivered “History on Silk”.
         Commander Chet King discussed changing
         the  lunch  meeting  to  a  dinner  meeting  to
         improve attendance. Commander called on
         all Heroes of  ’76 to  perform  two patriotic
         programs,  “Building  of  The  Flag”  and
         “History  of  The  Flags”  for  two  Lodges
         within  the  next  two  months.    A  delicious
         lunch was served of beef or chicken.
           Everyone  had  an  exciting  and  enjoyable
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