Page 2 - Sojourner Newsletter-Spring 2023 v.3
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Brother Sojourners,
This has been an interesting year thus far, with several meetings with the
National Trustee’s to get advice on certain issues. I want to thank them for
all they do, as sometimes what I think may be an easy solution to
situation turns out be anything but. I have learned to evaluate each situation
that comes up and seek expertise, especially from brethren who have been in
my shoes in the past. There are always two sides to the coin and different
ways to approach to finding the right solution.
I had the pleasure this year to pass out fruit baskets from my lodge to twenty
of our Masonic Widows. It is hard to express the warm feelings I received
from seeing their faces light up when we personally presented them. Most of
the widows are in assisted living quarters and don’t get as many visitors as they might like. Several of
the ladies said that they really look forward every year for the delivery of the fruit baskets.
I volunteered in southern North Carolina before Christmas preparing and serving breakfast for sixty
homeless families. The families were more than appreciative of the breakfast and the fellowship we
provided. I was able to travel to a couple of schools to observe programs about the flag. This is
important to me as they are truly the future of our country.
The Mid-Winter meeting we held in Raleigh is now behind us but getting ready for it took a lot of
work. Our NPE, Chuck Warren and First Vice President Carl Diamond provided well needed
assistance. It is good to bounce ideas off others and come to working solutions. Since the passing of
my wife Sylvia, I have devoted more time to charities and helping them out during the holidays. That
was one of her passions. She had a heart of gold and loved to help any and every one she met.
This year I was privileged to install a number of Lodges’ officers in my Masonic District. I was
allowed to present the “Toast to the Flag” at Richlands Lodge #566 for their Installation of Officer
and conducted a Bridge of Light program on December 31, 2022. I presented the “Toast to the Flag”
at Seaside Lodge # 429 for its Installation of Officers and conducted a Bridge of Light program for
them on January 6, 2023. On January 14, 2023 I presented the “Toast to the Flag” at Semper Fi
Lodge #329 for their Installation of Officers. I was also present at the Georgia Area Conference &
Encampment 10-11 February 2023.
Camp Lejeune Chapter #329 annually initiates the current Grand Master of Masons of North Carolina
as an Honorary Sojourner. I had the honor of initiating our current Grand Master, Most Worshipful
Kevan Frazer into Honorary membership as a Sojourner on February 6, 2023 in New Bern, NC. The
Grand Master was very pleased with his membership. The Grand Master stated his grandfather had
been in the service and worked at the White House. MW Frazer said that his grandfather was the
person who transmitted the order from the President to commence D-day on June 6, 1944, and that he
was very proud of that.