Page 6 - Sojourner Newsletter-Spring 2023 v.3
P. 6
Failure to Properly Plan ….
When I was stationed in Edzell, Scotland, our newly assigned Supply Officer had a sign on his
desk as you walked into his office which read “Failure to plan on YOUR part does not justify an
emergency on MY part.”
We are ALL volunteers in this organization. There is no way you, I, or anyone else can know
what factors are in effect for anyone else trying to work for the betterment of this order. You don’t
know whether there is a health issue, family issue, or any other personal matter that causes a normally
reliable resource to have to refocus their attention to other matters and allow some things for the order
to take a back seat – hopefully for a little while, but in any case, they simply cannot re-prioritize their
lives for your convenience.
You typically plan significant events MONTHS, if not a year, in advance. Yet, you might wait
until a couple of weeks before to publish an agenda, registration form, or other pertinent information
that most people will need to help make your event a success. THEN, you need it posted to the web
or distributed via email out of the National Office IMMEDIATELY so everyone can get it and act
upon it.
Why do you think YOUR failure to plan properly in advance now constitutes an emergency for
anyone else? Think about that going forward.
There are MANY things going on in the National Office that are simply “MUST
DO’s” (government regulations, new Constitution and By Law requirements) that are being fleshed
out, and just routine day-to-day operations that take someone’s attention to detail to support the
membership needs.
Please remember that NO ONE PERSON is at the center of the universe, not you nor I – we all
have to work together to make this engine purr like it should.
Bill Hickey
IT Chairman and Webmaster
Thank You! Janine Kovack and her family want to thank all the Sojourners who
at the Mid-Winter Meeting so graciously donated toward her husband Skylar’s funeral
expenses. The funds were used for the both the funeral and reception at the church
hall for local and out of town friends and relatives. Many thanks for the cards and
prayers. They were all greatly appreciated.