Page 19 - Sojourner Newsletter-SPRING 2022-5
P. 19

Vol. 99 Iss. 2                                                                                          19

                 H I S T O R I A N’ S CORNER (HEROES OF ‘76)

                                               CAMPS AND CAMP NAMES
                                   By Edward W. Nolte, Acting Heroes of ’76  Historian
          Heroes of ‘76  Camps, locations, and names reveal some interesting facts, and this article highlights some
         “little known, but interesting facts.”
          Locations:   Some  Camps  changed  names  and  locations  three  or  four  times,  due  to  Chapter  mergers  or

         member preference. Also, Chapters and Camps changed locations, primarily during WWII, when the unit had
         a fixed APO address, but the unit’s Chapter and Camp moved with the unit.
          Totals:  National Sojourners  has chartered 569 Chapters and 645 Camp names in its 104-year history.  Of
         these 569 Chapters, 162 (28.5%) never had a Camp, the greatest single factor in dissolution, In-Memoriam, or
         Club status. Among these Camp names are 48 instances of repetitions, duplications, and Camp sharing.
          Repetition of Camp Names #1:   This repetition occurred 38 times when a Chapter changed its name but

         retained its Camp name, e.g., Fort D. A. Russell #5 to Francis E. Warren #5 to Cheyenne #5, while retaining
         Alexander Hamilton Camp; Seattle #40 to Puget Sound #40 to VADM Homer N. Wallin #40, while retaining
         CAPT William Gordon Camp.
          Repetition  of  Camp  Names  #2:   Prior  to  1980,  there  are  10  instances  of  a  Chapter  dissolving  and

         rechartering in which the Chapter retained its original name, but it received a new number, e.g., Atlantic City
         #65  and  Atlantic  City  #233  retained  Absequam  Camp.    After  1980,  Chapters,  which  dissolved  and  later
         re-activated or rechartered in the same location, retained the name (or root name) and original Chapter number,
         e.g., Dayton  #67, Springfield  #84, Monterey (Monterey  Bay) #136, Truax (Truax Field) #197, Black Hills
         #422, and Dobbins (Dobbins Air Force Base) #434.
          Duplication  of  Camp  Names:  A  Heroes  Camp  originally  chose  its  name  without  National  Commander
         oversight, leading to Camp name duplications in 26 Chapters, e.g., GEN Chennault Camp (Kit Carson #447 &
         Ouachita #528), MG George Rogers Clark Camp (Charles A. Lindbergh #247 & Palo Pinto #394), Jimmy
         Doolittle  Camp  (Black  Hills  #422  &  Sarasota  #533),  Goliad  Camp  (Audie  Murphy  #112  &  Camp  Fannin
         #228), GEN Sam Houston Camp (Galveston #107 &  Houston #513), E.B. Jones Camp (Cincinnati #87 &
         Kentucky #134), Robert E. Lee Camp (Fort Gordon #162 & Fort Sam Houston #370), GEN Billy Mitchell
         Camp (Bolling Field #231 & Alaska #355), Daniel Morgan Camp (Fort Benning #8 & Breckinridge #219),
         Papago Camp (Phoenix #306 & Scottsdale #496), CDR Matthew Perry Camp (Kyushu #288, Iwakuni #433,
         and Danang #498), Raphael Semmes Camp (Albert Youndt #511 & Baldwin County #531), COL John Sevier
         Camp (Brookley Field #290 & Knoxville #514), and GEN John Stark Camp (Manchester #147, Ramey #390,
         & Green Mountain #527).

          Shared Camps:  Two Chapters shared a Camp. Far East Chapter #15 and Corregidor #118 shared Far East
         Camp and St. Petersburg #314 and Clearwater #505 shared Osceola Camp.

          Today: Of the 569 Chapters and 645 Camps  chartered, 463 operated in all 50 States  and D.C., and 106
         operated in  30 other countries.  Today 156 Active and 9 At-Large Chapters  operate in  45 States and D.C.;
         France and Germany; and at ANCs, MWMs, and the Conference of Grand Masters.  Of these Chapters seven
         currently have no Camp:  Springfield #84, Garden State #438, Arkansas Post #551, Devil’s Brigade #558,
         Jeremiah Osgood #562, Kings Bay #563, and Zenith #566.  I urge the Officers of each Chapter to charter a
         Heroes of ‘76 Camp and the Heroes of ’76 Centennial Celebration is an excellent opportunity.
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