Page 16 - Sojourner Newsletter-SPRING 2022-5
P. 16
GENERAL JOHN STARK CAMP (Green Mountain #527). Back in September 2021, Green Mountain
Chapter #527 had the pleasure of holding a joint meeting with the Oxbow Chapter of the Daughters of the
American Revolution (DAR). The Oxbow Chapter DAR in Newbury, Vermont hosted us for a mutual social,
educational, and Bridge of Light event. The DAR hosted us with a luncheon, followed by a mutual opening of
Chapters. The DAR Chapter Regent, Joy Clancy and Sojourners President Fred Messer opened the mutual
meeting. Joy did a very interesting presentation on local history and contributions to the war effort in
Vermont. Also joining us for honors was 'HODAR' and US Navy Veteran Dennis McClure. Dennis is a
Revolutionary reenactor and historian, and wore authentic reproduction New England colonial militia uniform,
and assisted with the flag raising ceremony. Prior to the meeting Green Mountain Chapter conducted the flag
raising ceremony and retired the Colors at the conclusion of the meeting. The Chapter also presented a Toast
to the Flag which drew a round of applause from all present. We have held similar events in the past and plan
to keep this tradition in effect in the future.
Top left pic: (L-r) Fred Messer, Joy Clancey
Bottom left pic: Toast to the Flag
Bottom right pic: Flag Raising Ceremony