Page 12 - Sojourner Newsletter-SPRING 2022-5
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12                                                                                           THE SOJOURNER

                                 NAtional SOjourners COnvention COmmittee
                                                Welcomes You to the
                            1 0 2  n d   Annual National Convention
                                             Sonesta Atlanta Airport North
                                                  1325 Virginia Avenue
                                                   Atlanta, GA 30344
                                                    12-18 June 2022

              NASOCOCO’s New Registration format for the ANC is on the website. YOU MUST REGISTER ONLINE.

                                                   Register for ANC Now

                     Book your hotel reservations NOW directly with the Sonesta Atlanta Airport North Hotel
                                by phone: (833) 435-0620 or (404) 768-6660 (0700-2300 EST)
                                                or online at Hotel Reservation

                              Group Rate: Mention ”National Sojourners” or Group Code 61222NSC
                        for group rate: $119.00 + applicable taxes; self-parking: $7/day; valet: $14/day

                                             If you have questions or concerns:
                                                        Carl Diamond
                                                    NASOCOCO President

                                              ANC RESOLUTION

              Resolution 2022-1 National Constitution and By-Laws

                    This resolution may be found on our website at

    If you cannot access the

               website, your Chapter Secretary was emailed a copy

                      and he should be able to provide one to you.
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