Page 8 - Sojourner Newsletter-SPRING 2022-5
P. 8

8                                                                                            THE SOJOURNER

          OLD DOMINION #364, MAJ Les Albers, Secretary. On February 22nd, 2022, Chapter President Ronald
         E. Craft joined a party of Masons to commemorate the 290th birthday of Brother George Washington at his
         tomb  at  Mount  Vernon.  The  annual  event  was  hosted  by  Wor.  Denislav  Dantev,  Worshipful  Master  of
         Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, Virginia. Before posting the first memorial wreath, Brother
         Craft  provided  stirring  remarks  recounting  the  military  and  political  achievements  of  Brother  Washington
         which had been essential to the founding of our Republic. Wreaths were also placed by Fredericksburg Lodge
         No.  4,  Fredericksburg,  Virginia  and  Brother  Washington’s  mother  lodge,  Brother  Tyler  Vanice,  Honorary
         Member of Old Dominion No. 364, from the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association,
         and Right Worshipful Matthew T. Szramoski, Grand Senior Deacon, representing Most Worshipful James W.
         Golladay, Jr, Grand Master of Masons in Virginia and Honorary Member, Old Dominion No. 364. Six Heroes
         from Light Horse Harry Lee Camp, Heroes of ‘76, led by Commander Terry L. Gigure, provided the color
         guard in continental uniforms. In addition to Brother Gigure, the Heroes included Bros. William R. Sanner,
         PP, PC; Peter G. L. Cutler, John W. Leroy, Joseph L. Spruill and Lester H. Albers, PC, Adjutant. Brother
         Robb Michell, PP, PC, delivered a rousing rendition of the Toast to the Flag. Brother Mitchell is also serving
         as the Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of DC.

                                                                              Top Left: Bro. Gigure Leads the Color
                                                                              Guard to the Tomb

                                                                              Top Right: Color Guard in the front of
                                                                              Bro. Washington’s Tomb

                                                                              Left: Brother Les Albers and the Color
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