Page 3 - Sojourner Newsletter-SPRING 2022-5
P. 3

Vol. 99 Iss. 2                                                                                            3

                           TRAVELS OF THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT

                                                                               Top  Picture:  On  Monday  of  the  Conference
                                                                             of  Grand  Masters  in  North  America
                                                                             (COGMINA),  National  President  Wayne
                                                                             Barnes   initiated   the   new   Sojourners
                                                                             surrounding  him.  L-r,  R.W.  Bro.  Edward  C.
                                                                             Page,   Junior   Grand   Warden,   GL   of
                                                                             Connecticut, for Hartford Chapter No. 56; Bro.
                                                                             Jeffrey  Bolstad,  Deputy  Grand  Master  of  the
                                                                             Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the
                                                                             USA  for  Spokane  Chapter  No.102;  NP  Bro.
                                                                             Wayne  Barnes;  R.W.  Bro.  Kenneth  Hoskins,
                                                                             Junior Grand Warden, GL of Alaska for Alaska
                                                                             Chapter No 355 and M.W. Bro. Charles Ward,
                                                                             IV,  Grand  Master  of  Alaska,  Grand  Masters
                                                                             Chapter No. 996.

          Middle  Picture:  On  Sunday
         of  COGMINA,  NP  Wayne
         Barnes  initiated  two  new
         Sojourners into Grand Masters
         Chapter  No.  996.  L-r:  MW
         Bobby  Simmons,  President,
         Grand  Masters  Chapter  No.
         996;  Bro.  Carl  Diamond,
         N2VP, Bro. Michael Johnson,
         Most  Eminent  Grand  Master
         of  the  Grand  Encampment  of
         Knights Templar of the USA,
         NP Wayne Barnes, MW Brad
         Billings,  Grand  Master  of
         Texas,  Bro.  Charles  Warren,
         N1VP    and   Bro.   David
         Mahoney, N3VP.

                                                                                        Bottom    Picture:   At   the
                                                                                       Conference  of  Grand  Masters  in
                                                                                       North  America,  the  Executive
                                                                                       Committee (EXCOM) of National
                                                                                       Sojourners,  Inc.  provided  an  in-
                                                                                       formation  table  for  the  attendees
                                                                                       at the conference.
                                                                                        L-r: Bro. Carl Diamond, N2VP;
                                                                                       Bro.  Chuck  Warren,  NPE;  Bro.
                                                                                       Wayne  Barnes,  NP;  Bro.  Mark
                                                                                       Underwood, NST; and Bro. Dave
                                                                                       Mahoney, N3VP.
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