Page 2 - Sojourner Newsletter-SPRING 2022-5
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After a very good Mid-Winter Meeting, I have been on the road making visits to a
number of Chapters, attending Lodge functions and taking care of Sojourner business.
I’ve been promoting our several Bridge of Light and Americanism programs which can
be conducted at their meetings as well as Community and Civic activities in their areas.
The Constitutional Commission is making an extraordinary effort to complete the
conversion of our National Regulations and Bylaws into a Constitution and Bylaws.
Each member of the Order was given an opportunity to provide input and submit
comments to the Commission. They have received a number of submittals and have
responded to each respondent with the results of their recommendations.
Your National Line Officers attended the annual Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North
America in Milwaukee, WI in February. We had a very productive week and made a number of important
connections who should greatly assist our Order. We now have contacts who can help start chapters in Idaho,
Iowa, and several other states.
Grand Masters Chapter No. 996 initiated 6 new Sojourners into our ranks, 3 for its own Chapter and 3 for
other Chapters. They also added 2 MMIPs onto their rolls. Two became members of Grand Masters Chapter
No. 996, 4 are now members of their local chapters and 2 were initiated as MMIPs into Grand Masters Chapter
as a courtesy for their home chapters. The Chapter was opened by MW Bro. Bobby Simmons, PGM, Chapter
President, assisted by your National Line Officers. The Acting Chaplain was MW Bro. Donald Combs, Grand
Master of Georgia, who is a member of Hunter Chapter No. 502. MW Bro. Bobby Simmons, PGM of Georgia
was installed as President and MW Bro. Marty Alexander, PGM of Hawaii was installed as Secretary for 2022
-2023. I was also very pleased to be able to initiate the eight new members of the Chapter. MW Brother
Simmons thanked all for their help in making this a very successful and enjoyable meeting. He gave a special
thanks to Brother Carl Diamond, 2 National Vice President, who served as Acting Secretary. MW Bro. Jeff
Van Curen, PGM of South Dakota was installed as the Camp Commander. The Chapter was Closed in proper
form by the National President.
A reminder is due that it is now time to get registered for the 102 Annual National Convention to be held
in Atlanta, Georgia. The dates for ANC are 13-18 June 2022. The Agenda and Registration links are on the
National Sojourners website as is the link to register for the Hotel. If you wish, you can arrive up to 3 days
prior to the ANC as there are lots of things to see a do in the greater Atlanta area. For you baseball aficionados
out there, the Braves might even be playing baseball at home while we are there.
Brothers Sojourners: do not forget our goal this year is 800 new members. We are doing a fair job so far
but we need to step it up a little to reach our goal. There are still THOUSANDS of Master Masons who are on
Active Duty, are Veterans, Reservists, Guardsmen and other qualified Brothers who want to join Sojourners.
YOU need to tell them about our organization and provide them an application.
Never forget that you are a TEAM MEMBER. Think SOJOURNER, attend your Blue Lodges and other
Masonic bodies, carry an application, and recruit new members.
Wayne Barnes
National President