Page 7 - Sojourner Newsletter-SPRING 2022-5
P. 7

Vol. 99 Iss. 2                                                                                            7

          CHAPTER NEWS

          MINNESOTA  #25,  MSgt  Robert  Selden,  Secretary,  attended  a  re-enlistment  ceremony  at  Corinthian
         Masonic Lodge No. 67.  He performed the "Toast to the Flag" and presented the colors for the ceremony for
         Worshipful and Petty Officer 2  Class Zach Bohlman, US Naval Reserve, Master of the Lodge. The Oath of
         Re-enlistment was administered by Brother and Chief Warrant Officer 3, US Navy, Retired, John Machaby.
         John  is  Corinthian  Lodge’s  Senior  Steward.      Afterwards,  Wor.  Selden  made  a  presentation  on  who  the
         National Sojourners are and presented all attending Veterans with the Minnesota Masonic Veteran’s pin.

          Left picture: Brother Machaby on the left administering the Oath of Re-enlistment, Brother Selden holding
         the Colors, and Brother Bohlman taking the Oath of Re-enlistment.
          Right picture:  Brother Selden presenting the Toast to the Flag.

                                                                               SEMINOLE        #373,    SP4     Jim
                                                                               Judovits,     Secretary.     Chapter
                                                                               President Donald Wise conducted the
                                                                               January meeting on January 13, 2022,
                                                                               at the Elks Lodge in Orlando, Florida.
                                                                               Bro. Jim Judovits delivered the Toast
                                                                               to  The  Flag.    At  this  meeting  we
                                                                               initiated  three  new  members:    Bro.
                                                                               Richard  Nelson  Ream,  AT3,  USN;
                                                                               Bro. Samuel J. Glover, E5, USN; and
                                                                               Bro.  Jose  E.  Franco,  Captain,
                                                                               USAF.  Bro.  Wise  delivered  the
                                                                               Obligation  and  Sojourner  Metal
                                                                               lecture    and      Past    National
                                                                               Commander,  Bro.  Pedro  Arroyo,
                                                                               delivered    the    New     Member
         lecture.  Bro. Wise informed us that three essays for the Essay Scholarship had been submitted.  A delicious
         luncheon was served by the Elks’ Club to the 26 Sojourners and guests in attendance.
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