Page 13 - Sojourner Newsletter-SPRING 2022-5
P. 13
Vol. 99 Iss. 2 13
Annual National Convention Agenda
Sunday, 12 June Thursday, 16 June
Early Arrivals—Tours of Atlanta on Your Own 0700-0810 Chicago Chapter Breakfast
0800-1155 Registration Open
0800-1155 Hospitality Room Open
0800-1155 Retail Sales Open
Monday, 13 June: 0830-0955 National Convention Opens
0630-0900 Breakfast on Your Own 1000-1300 Ladies Tour TBD
0800-1700 Registration Open 1000-1055 Sojourner Ritual Committee
0800-1155 Hospitality Room Open 1000-1055 IT Committee
0800-0930 NASOCOCO meets. 1000-1055 Honors Awards Committee (If needed)
0930-0955 NASOCOCO meets with Hotel Staff. 1000-1055 Education and Training Committee
1000-1055 NASOCOCO Board of Directors 1100-1155 Membership Committee
1100-1155 National Trustees 1100-1155 Incentives & Awards Committee (If needed)
1200-1300 Lunch on Your Own 1200-1255 Saigon/Da Nang Chapter Luncheon
1300-1355 SAEF Board of Directors 1300-1600 Registration Open
1400-1455 CLMA Board of Directors 1300-1600 Retail Sales Open
1200-1700 Hospitality & Sales Room available for storage 1300-1600 Hospitality Room Open
1300-1655 Hospitality Room Open 1300-1355 National Secretary w/Chapter Secretaries
1500-1555 National Line Mtg/Staff invited to attend. 1300-1355 Heroes Manual Committee
1600-1655 National Sojourners Line with PNPs 1300-1355 Gifts and Bequests Committee
1700- Dinner on Your Own 1400-1530 National Convention Resumes
1900-2200 Hospitality Room Open 1530-1600 Chaplain’s Call and Memorial Service
1630 1700 Meeting for all Brothers who have Honors: LOH,
VanDeventer, Houghton, 33 Degree, KCCH, KYCH, etc.
Tuesday, 14 June Friday, 17 June
0700-0800 Past Masters Chapter Breakfast 0700-0825 Americanism Breakfast/Program
0800-1155 Registration Open 0830-1155 Registration Open
0800-1155 Hospitality Room Open 0830-1155 Retail Sales Open
0800-1155 Retail Sales Open 0830-1155 Hospitality Room Open
0815-1155 Nominating Committee 0830-1155 National Convention Resumes
0815-0955 Americanism Committee 1200-1325 Awards Luncheon
0900-1500 Tour TBD 1330-1600 Registration Open
0920-1155 Resolutions Committee 1330-1600 Hospitality Room Open
1000-1055 Bridge of Light Committee 1330-1600 National Conventions Resumes
1100-1155 First Timers’ Orientation 1630-1715 National President’s Line Private Event
1200-1255 Minuteman/Wright Brothers Chap. Lunch 1715-1800 National President’s Reception
1300-1600 Registration Open 1800- President’s Banquet
1300-1600 Retail Sales Open
1300-1600 Hospitality Room Open
1300-1655 Nominating Committee (If needed)
1300-1355 CR&CC Committee with A/R Reps
1400-1455 Committee Chairs, A/R Reps w/Natl Line
1600-1800 First Timers Reception (Invitation only)
1800- Dinner on your own/Marines
1900-2200 Hospitality Room Open
Wednesday, 15 June Saturday, 18 June
0700-0810 Royal Order of Barrow Wheeler’s Breakfast 0800-0845 President’s Kick-Off Breakfast
0800-1155 Registration Open 0845-0915 President’s Kick-Off Meeting/Briefing
0800-1155 Retail Sales Open 0915-0945 Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs with NSI Line
0800-1155 Hospitality Room Open 0945-1015 NP Swears in Officers of Natl Trustees and Comm of 33
0815-0955 Committee of 33 0945-1015 NPE with Area & Regional Representatives
1000-1055 National Heroes Line 1015-1100 NP with National Line
1100-1155 National Heroes Line with PNCs 1100- Departures As scheduled
1100-1155 Publication Review Board
1100-1155 Resolutions Committee (If needed)
1200-1325 Ladies Luncheon
1200-1255 Mustang/Expeditionary Chapter Luncheon
1300-1600 Registration Open
1300-1600 Retail Sales Open
1300-1600 Hospitality Room Open
1300-1600 Heroes Annual National Encampment
1630-1715 National Heroes Line Private Event
1715-1800 National Commander’s Reception
1800- Bennington Banquet/Camp Followers Degree