Page 17 - Sojourner Newsletter-SPRING 2022-5
P. 17
Vol. 99 Iss. 2 17
GEORGE F. UNMACHT CAMP (Seminole #373). On February 10, 2022, at our local Elks Lodge,
Seminole Chapter No. 373 hosted approximately 30 Sojourners, Heroes and guests at our annual Bennington
Banquet, at which a delicious lunch was catered by the Elks. Bro. Harry Eisenberg delivered “The
Bennington Flag Lecture”. The President recognized Past Commanders and read the poem “He Who
Served”. In memory of our Past Commanders, the President read the poem “Don’t Grieve for Us” and called
the roll. Bro. Wise delivered the “History of Camp Followers” and Bro. Judovits read a poem. The history of
George Washington’s relationship to the Masonic Fraternity was given and Past National Commander, Bro.
Martin Schwebel read a poem. Our time together was extremely enjoyable and as always, it was a pleasure to
have our Ladies in attendance.
PNC Martin D. Schwebel, Acting Commander, presented the Original Flag Presentation to the members of
Clermont Masonic Lodge No. 226, Clermont, Florida on Monday, February 21, 2022. PNC Marty Schwebel
delivered “The Toast to The Flag” and then proceeded with the program. Also participating were Brother and
Most Worshipful William Thomas, Past Grand Master of New York, Bro. Jim and Sandy Judovits and Lady
Joan Schwebel. A delicious dinner was served by the lodge and the presentation was greatly received by
everyone in attendance. Submitted by Jim Dickenson.
GENERAL JOHN STARK CAMP (Green Mountain #527). The Vermont Memorial Day ceremony on
May 30, 2021 at the Veterans Cemetery in Randolph, Vermont. The Camp and Chapter were honored to
attend and participate in this annual event.
L-r: Commander Rob Connelly, Chapter President Fred Messer, 1st Vice President Ken Curtis, Past President
Randy Carry.