Page 21 - Sojourner Newsletter-SPRING 2022-5
P. 21

Vol. 99 Iss. 2                                                                                          21

                                         FROM THE WEBMASTER

                                                   PROTECTING YOUR PERSONAL PRIVACY

                                How many credit cards do you carry in your wallet?  How many times do you reuse
                                the  same  PIN  for  accessing  an  account?    For  a  4-number  PIN,  there  are  10,000
                                possible combinations.

         Passwords are the key to protecting your personal information.  When you use the same password on multiple
         accounts, you are INCREASING your exposure to scammers, malware sources, and hackers.

         I know what you’re saying (I’ve said it too): “I have too many accounts to have a separate password for each
         one of them.”  That’s why either keeping a list of passwords you are using versus accounts you have is a good
         thing.  Some people use what is called a “password vault” – a program that uses heavy encryption to protect
         access to your master list of passwords.  There’s just one teensy little problem with that one:  If you forget that
         password, you’re hosed!  If you keep the passwords on paper, then you need to keep the paper with you when
         you  travel  away  from  home  unless  you  are  VERY  good  at  remembering  critical  passwords.    This  is  the
         proverbial “Catch-22” situation.

         The  National  Sojourners  website  has  the  ability  to  create  a  VERY  strong,  VERY  ugly,  and  VERY
         unrememberable randomly generated password that will likely be uncrackable for a reasonable period of time.
         When is the last time you changed your password?  When you change your password, most people will avoid
         creating a very secure one and opt for one they can remember easily.

         FACTS: (this was the case in 1999 BEFORE we had Smart Phones and the current generation of CPUs in our
         desktop/laptop computers)
         By 1999 standards, today’s computers are what “supercomputers” WERE then. English words in a dictionary
         can be hacked within 30 SECONDS! English words NOT in the dictionary (idioms) can be hacked within
         ONE MINUTE! Compound English words (i.e., “littlelamb”) can be hacked within TWO MINUTES! English
         words with special characters (i.e., CAR^ROT) can be hacked within 2-5 MINUTES! The most commonly
         used password for a female is “SNOOPY, and for a male: STUD

         Strong Choices:
         Acronym of a common phrase (i.e., Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears=FRCLMYE) and will
         take  more  than  FIVE  MINUTES  to  hack.    Most  hackers  will  give  up  and  move  on  to  another  system.
         Combining  upper/lower  case  letters,  numbers  and  special  characters  are  good  and  will  take  more  than  5
         minutes to break, but you have to be able to remember them. Make it harder: change up your rules in a known
         pattern (upper, lower, number, special, upper, lower number special). Pick your favorite book (let’s use Orson
         Scot Card’s “Shadow Puppets” – page 213, first non-dialogue paragraph, first sentence: “Bean rolled onto his
         back and lay there facing the ceiling.” (11 words) translates to: brohbaltftc – but then rotate (as in #3 above):

         Remember, if something happens to you, your family will need to be able to access your accounts on your
         behalf.  WRITE THEM DOWN IN A BOOK and store them safely where family will know to look for them.

           The theme for The Sojourner Summer issue is the Annual National Convention
          (ANC).  The key topics will include Awards, Bios, and Proceedings.  Submissions

                               are due to by June 20
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