Page 18 - Sojourner Newsletter-Summer 2023 Final
P. 18

18                                                                                           THE SOJOURNER

                                                  IN THE NEWS


          Getting the Sojourner published is a team effort and Secretaries and Adjutants are very important
         members of the team.  We want every Chapter or Camp to submit articles to the magazine, as often as
         possible, profiling the activities of your Chapters, Camps and individual members and Heroes.  To
         help us, we would ask that you use the following guidelines when submitting articles:

         1.  Write up the article in a Microsoft Word document. Don’t add borders or Heroes or Sojourner

         2.  Use 12 point, Times New Roman font

         3.  Start the article with: NAME OF CHAPTER #NO (Secretary or Adjutant’s name) i.e.,
            a)  OLD DOMINION CHAPTER #364 (Les Albers, Secretary) or
            b)  LIGHT HORSE HARRY LEE CAMP (Les Albers, Adjutant)
            c)  These should be in BOLD type as shown above.

         4.  Articles don’t need titles

         5.  Use the formula of WHO, WHAT, WHEN, and WHERE. The article should be about things you
            did, and not what you chapter is going to do.

         6.  PICTURES: since we’re in the age of really good cameras in our cell phones, take lots of pictures.
            If you are able, include the picture IN the WORD document, otherwise make them attachments to
            the email. Most importantly: please identify the event and the people in the picture, left to right. If
            it  is  a  huge  group  picture,  identify  the  group,  and  the  principal  participants,  if  they  should  be
            singled                                                                                             out.

         7.  At the bottom of your email, make sure to put the contact information to include your name, email
            address  and  phone  number  in  case  we  need  to  clarify  an  article  or  need  more  information.

          All of the above will enable us to include your news and help reduce the time we need to prepare
         each issue.
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