Page 16 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2024 FINALv2
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FT. LEE – RICHMOND CHAPTER # 92 (J. Jeffrey McClelland, Secretary) Chapter members, along
with Heroes of ’76 of James Monroe Camp, honored our Camp Followers at our combined September
meeting. There were ten Sojourners, nine Heroes, and eight Camp Followers present. It was a great
gathering that included a social hour and dinner.
(L-r, front row) Bobby Bryant, Linda Bryant, Pat Martin, Pam McClelland, Anna Clark, Elizabeth Izakson,
Kim Sirman, Judy West, Judy Hues. (L-r, second row) Fred Martin, Jeff McClelland, Ben Clark, Troy Izakson,
Bill Sirman, Bill West, and Clint Hues. Not pictured John Howerton and Jim Burton.
Continuing in our patriotic traditions,
Ft. Lee – Richmond Chapter #72 and the
James Monroe Camp, Heroes of ’76
conducted a Flag Retirement Ceremony
and a Bridge of Light presentation at
Tuckahoe Lodge No. 347 on October 5,
2023. There were six Sojourners, five
Heroes, and four Camp Followers
present. The highlight of the ceremony
was the flag presented and donated by
Brother Ron McGavic and his wife in
honor of her father, a wounded WWII
veteran who answered the celestial mus-
ter in 1957. The forty-eight-star folded
flag had been kept as such for sixty-six (L-r) Bill West, Troy Izakson, Jeff McClelland, Jim Burton, John Howerton,
years. and Clint Hues
In the near future the Ft. Lee – Richmond Chapter #72 and the James Monroe Camp, Heroes of ’76 will
be presenting the “Build the Flag” program at the Masonic Home of Virginia on November 6, 2023, at
1800 hours for the residents and guests.