Page 2 - The Lotus Aug-Sep 2020
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AUGUST- SEPTEMBER 2020 follow us on Spotify: @The Lotus SMS
There is a box in a room in the world,
General Psychology Program at fact that the virus is disproportionately
and the world is in the box. The world Oregon State University says, “Now, affecting lower income households-
floats into the box as waves and numbers, we have millions of students who have students in poverty therefore also have
in compressed sequenced ideas; and the tiny never taken an online class and suddenly to deal with the fact that their parents,
people in their tiny rooms can live in this they have to learn with computers!" He unlike many of ours, do not have the
infinite world of the box. But learning in
talks from the perspective of, “... a privilege to work from home or take
the box, through the box, and only from the
totally different world.” Change is the sick leave and are hence at risk.
box will become exhausting in some time...
essence to effectively deal with the Ultimately, these disparities in access
The ideas will bounce off the box's walls
current environment. Online to online learning will just end up
and repeat themselves.
education has become a key part of the magnifying disparities that already
Any experience is best remembered for radical change the society had to exist. If you can, please consider
its personal significance to the implement to prevent a total donating to any of the many relief
individual experiencing it, and for its breakdown of our education system. funds that have been set up by various
emotional content, not for its tasteless NGOs. According to the Hindu, even
To prevent a full stop in the lives of
bland facts. This is how we learn; though almost a quarter of homes in
young pupils across the world!
interaction, resonation, understanding India have internet facilities (via a
between the teachers and the students. fixed or mobile network) only 1 in 10
Education is the thing that hits you covid-online-learning have a computer-whether a desktop,
when you hear your teacher’s laptop or tablet. Most of these
explanation and go, "Oh! So that’s On line Internet-enabled homes are located in
how it happened!" Something that is cities, where 42% have Internet access.
Education connected to the Internet. In the
very hard to achieve through a screen. In rural India, however, only 15% are
“The major issue I am facing during online national capital, 55% of the homes
art classes is that my students do not have A TEAM ARTICLE
have access to Internet facilities.
the actual object in front of them for both ‘The falling sky drops as slow as can be, Kerala and Himachal Pradesh, which
still life and nature drawing. I have to send Chaos rampaging in silence around the streets.
Shut a door and keep it locked, are the only other states where more
photos of the objects to be drawn, due to And see each other through a realm of blocks. than half of all households have
which the fine line remains the same as Create an illusion to bluff the other, Internet access. In sharp contrast, in
Only to be a fool on the receiving end of
there is no effect of natural light. However,
another. Odisha, only one in ten homes have
the conversations during class have stayed An apparition on the blocks feeds your internet access. In the top urban
the same, as the 11 and 12 grade thoughts,
The compelling realm of blocks is a parasite in quintile, 63% of the homes have access
students have already done the basics in 9 which you are caught. to the internet. However, on the other
and 10th. In my opinion, if a few students Opening its doors, slowly it pulls you in, end of the spectrum, in the poorest
And freezes while you’re almost in.’
would be called to school in batches, it
quintile of Odisha, the figure drops to
would be like a bonus for them!” The shift to online education has an abysmally low 2.4%. Socio-
~Sir Santosh Morajkar (HSS Art Teacher) been an adjustment for all of us, but economic status plays a major role in
it's important to keep in mind that online education. The pandemic has
Online education, though the best
it’s a lot more difficult for some denied education to the poorest, due
solution for today’s pandemic, lacks
students and their families than to lacking infrastructure.
the better qualities of a face to face,
others. Low-income families and
interactive education amongst peers So instead of living in oblivion,
those from marginalised communities
and teachers that accelerates the cribbing and moaning about online
are especially likely to not have access
learning process of young minds and class, it’s time we looked at the larger
to an internet connection, devices on
eases them into society as fully picture. We are fortunate to avail of
which to work, or even space to do so-
functioning, capable and matured online education, unlike many others.
this phenomenon is called the 'digital
adults. Psychologist Regan A.R. As the youth of the country, let’s be
divide'. While many states have set up
Gurung, PhD, interim Executive positive, look for opportunities, and
TV-based lessons to help students in
Director of the Centre for Teaching contribute to solutions, not problems.
need, many are still missing out on a
and Learning, and Director of the
year of education. It's also a known