Page 5 - The Lotus Aug-Sep 2020
P. 5
In another video you can catch learn new skills and discover the things I baked this lockdown.
me baking chocolate chip cookies. what we love to do. Baking is definitely love made
An extremely easy recipe to follow edible and nothing says home like
which requires basic ingredients, the sweet smell of baking.”
the process of baking it will make
And lastly, another great
you drool and the outcome will
achievement is this very
definitely be worth the time you’ve
paper itself, The Lotus.
spent. Some of my friends often
come up to me and say that In the beginning, it was but a
baking takes up a lot of time and pipe dream, but now it is a
effort and that they would rather concrete manifestation of
buy sweet treats from a bakery. To culture, talent and creativity
this I would like to say, the of the members and ruled by
satisfaction of eating something the open mindedness and
you yourself have cooked or baked fairness of the editor. It
is inexpressible. So, this was the attempts to unify the student
story of my YouTube channel for body, create awareness and
“Lockdown, though it shut down
now. But don’t forget to bake the facilitate the transfer of
the entire world it ironically
world a better place!” information amongst all. The
‘unlocked’ me to the delicious
Check her videos in the links world of baking. It started with feeling of being connected
given below! just few ordinary cookies and and understanding others in
our situation is something brownies that became crumbs in a that The Lotus team aims to
atch?v=k84F7sbhOeo matter of seconds and fascinated
me how just few simple ingredients bring forth with their actions. The Lotus is a collective
could make something so
atch?v=1RTImTuCCKY endeavour to bring forth
scrumptious. Initially I baked for
Sometimes what you may my family and then for my different panorama from its
perceive as just a simple neighbours. I didn’t really mean writers, photographers and
hobby can turn out to be so for this to become a business but illustrators.
much more! SHANAYA the neighbours started gifting their 2020 made us realise the
JAVERI of Class XII C may friends my boxes of goodies and importance of bringing the
have started off just baking then they encouraged me to start Sharada Mandir family
for those around her, but her taking orders. together, even while staying at
business, as well as her skills Having pastéis home; and what better way to
have thoroughly blossomed, de nata on one achieve this goal than by
as she caters to a much larger of our summer introducing a digital edition of
crowd, providing a variety of holidays made The Lotus! The seed of The
international baked goods! me try it out, Lotus was sown by Sihaam
We get an insight into her and I couldn’t imagine I created a Naik, and germinated and
creative and ever developing part of Portugal in my very own sprouted under Akanksha
world of baking and how she kitchen. Alfajores, profiterole, Mahabal's nurturing eye. With
macarons, Boston cream pie,
made the most of a confining this edition, The Lotus has
chocolate caramel tart, e’claires,
lockdown, giving us bloomed and its beauty is
lemon mirangue pie , brown butter
inspiration to try new things, enhanced by the stillness of the
cinnamon cookies, are just some of