Page 4 - The Lotus Aug-Sep 2020
P. 4
Compiled by Jyotsna Fernandes & Hailey Thomas
when I do not listen to music in on her YouTube channel is
Talent is something that
one form or another. something that KASTURI
always blooms when you have KARKARE has been doing.
more time in your hands. What I really enjoy is learning Sharing your interest is a form
Chapters in life such as the one and playing songs that give me a of selflessness that is accepted
we are facing now can be used kick, songs that I resonate with my and seen in every few. Kasturi
as a door of opportunity to persona and I vibe with. This has been putting out videos of
explore your skills and prompt year, capitalising on the free time her various interests on
them to develop. This is that the lockdown provided, I YouTube since a long time
exactly what some of our started recording videos and have
posted a couple on YouTube and its time that she is
fellow schoolmates have been recognised. Thus, let us hear
doing and we believe in which can be accessed at her take on her interests :
encouraging and motivating
them. atch?v=qj5p4AO89jA and
A melody that resonates with
the mind and soul of its creator atch?v=jh8UD2b_0mI .
is a one that can that can uplift Presently I can play the piano, the
spirits and mend cracks in ukulele and the guitar. I play
people and society. AKSHAT music primarily because it's fun “Hi! I’m Kasturi Karkare from
AMONKER, a student of and because I believe that you class 11A. I started a channel on
class XII C has undertaken can’t not like someone who plays YouTube at the age of twelve with
ways in which he gives the the guitar. I also have reasons to the idea of turning my hobbies into
world his gift of euphony with believe that listening to music content for the viewers and have
an idea to express himself and while doing various tasks, since enjoyed filming every single
connect to others. Taking improves efficiency. I make my video. The videos on my channel
YouTube as his stage Akshat own music/songs because it allows range from me doing covers of
has been posting songs during me to express my feelings and songs to nail art to baking,
quarantine and growing his thoughts in ways that people can anything I love doing and wish to
seed of commitment. Let us enjoy. As Plato said years ago, share on a public platform.
see what Akshat has to say “Music gives a soul to the Singing and baking however, are
about his developed skill: universe, wings to the mind, flight the two things I have always
to the imagination, and life to enjoyed doing. I have done covers
everything.’” of a few songs including All of Me
by John Legend, The Man by
Recreation is of a fascinating
Taylor Swift, Sweater Weather by
nature; it is what we lend our
The Neighbourhood and many
time in and opens up our
more to come.
minds. It does not need to
confine itself to a particular
“They say music is life and that’s pursuit and can extend beyond
why the heart has beats! I one’s imagination. One can
completely relate to that statement find happiness in many
because there is not a single day pursuits and showcasing this