Page 3 - The Lotus Aug-Sep 2020
P. 3


                                                                  THE TEENAGER’S GUIDE TO SURVIVING A LOCKDOWN

                                                                                    ~ Ananya Palyekar

        We’ve  done  it  all,  guys.  We’ve                         2.  Life  skills,  not  hacks-  yes,                     4. Your  mental  health  is  important-

        whipped Dalgona Coffee, struggled                               they’re  harder  to  come  by  than                     don’t        let     anyone          tell     you
        to  complete  25  push-ups  in  a  row                          you thought.                                            otherwise.

        and  meddled  in  Tiger  King                                I  may  sound  like  my  mom  (and                         From  years  of  fixed  routine,  our
                                                                     yours) saying this but…learning to                         lives  have  been  upended  into  the
        conspiracies  (It’s  Carole  Baskin.

        She did it.) But if you haven’t tested                       cook,  clean,  drive  (if  you’re  legal)                  previously           unthinkable-            who
                                                                     don’t  come  naturally  like  wisdom                       would’ve  thought  a  year  ago  that
        positive         for      absolute,         mind-
                                                                     teeth       do.      Learning           requires           we’d  soon  be  living  through  a
        boggling,  all-consuming  boredom
                                                                     deliberation,         commitment              and          crisis? Recent studies show that the
        by  now-  I  envy  you.  5  months  is
                                                                     something  that’s  around  plenty                          psychological impact of quarantine
        enough  to  summon  the  wishful
                                                                     now-  time.  Now  is  as  good  a                          can be great, resulting in a range of
        extrovert  in  all  of  us,  and  yes
                                                                     chance  as  any  (better,  I’d  say)  to                   mental         health       concerns         from
        introverts,  I’m  looking  at  you  too.                     pick up a few skills and hone them.                        anxiety        and       anger       to      sleep

        Maybe  we  did  start  out  with  rosy                       Whether  it’s  learning  the  basics  of                   disturbances,  depression  and  post-

        ideas  of  a  summer  vacation  come                         banking or riding a bike, do things                        traumatic  stress  disorder  (PTSD).
        early,  but  this  vacation  has  long                       that are not only satisfying but also                      Yes, we’ve said the D-word and it’s

        since  become  a  snooze  fest.  While                       very,  very  handy  in  the  long  run.                    time to have this conversation- you

        daydreaming  of  a  world  free  of                          Coming  out  of  quarantine  more                          are likely to feel low, hopeless and

        “mask compulsory” signboards and                             self-sufficient  and  confident?  I  see                   every other nasty thing that comes

        8am Zoom meetings (and Covid-19                              that as an absolute win.                                   with difficult times. But you know
        too of course!! I totally didn’t forget                                                                                 what?  That’s  natural  and  normal,

        to mention it!!), maybe it’s time we                                                                                    and  nothing  to  be  ashamed  of.
                                                                                                                                There’s a lot to be said about it, but
        realise  that  it’s  more  than  just
                                                                                                                                let’s  start  small-  if  you’re  going
        monotony  we  have  on  our  hands.
                                                                                                                                through a rough time, talk about it.
        At least, if we choose to.
                                                                                                                                Whether  it’s  confiding  in  family,
               So,  keeping  social  distancing
                                                                                                                                friends or even a professional, don’t
        and  masks  in  mind  and  body,
                                                                                                                                hesitate  to  ask  for  the  help  you
        here’s  5  ways  in  which  you  can                                                                                    need. But most of all, don’t be too

        survive  the  lockdown  (and become                                                                                     hard  on  yourself-  after  all,  you’re

        a better version of yourself too!):                                                                                     living  through  a  pandemic  and

     1. There’s nothing called “too well-                                                                                       you’re doing the best you can.
         read.”                                                                                                              5. Lastly,  keep  your  head  up-  we’ll
                                                                                                                                get through this.
      Catch  up  with  your  reading  folks,  it
                                                                                                                                Oxford             dictionary             defines
     matters more than you think. Some of                           3. Sticking to a sleep schedule- it’s
                                                                                                                                ‘optimism’  as  ‘hopefulness  and
     us  out  there  just  don’t  have  the                             hard, but worth it.                                     confidence  about  the  future  or  the

     attention span for a lot of reading, and                        Are you one of the teens that now                          success of something.’ We’re living

     honestly, that’s alright. But nothing is                        peak  at  12  midnight  and  hit  the                      in a difficult time, and most would

     a  wasted  activity  if  you’ve  learnt                         sack when the sun rises? I get it, it’s                    say  they’re  skeptical  of  what  is  to
                                                                     understandable-  days  melt  into
     something.  Challenge  yourself-  finish                                                                                   come.         There        are       sides       to
                                                                     nights  when  there’s  no  school  to
     that novel that’s been sitting on your                                                                                     everything, but choosing to believe
                                                                     attend or places to go. But when a
     desk  for  a  month.  Whether  it’s                                                                                        in  a  brighter  outcome?  That’s  a
                                                                     few  instances  turn  into  your  body
     exploring  your  favourite  genres  or                                                                                     personal  call  to  make.  Don’t  lose
                                                                     not  knowing  when day or  night  is
     simply  poring  over  the  morning                                                                                         sight  of  your  future,  think  of  your
                                                                     anymore,  we’ve  got  problems-  a
     newspaper, nothing is in vain when it                           slow  metabolism  and  serotonin                           plans and all the bright places you

     comes to reading. Good ol’ fashioned                            deficiencies  being  just  a  few  of                      want to be- having faith is the balm
     books  aren’t  your  thing?  Graphic                            them.  So,  if  you’re  slipping  into                     to a stinging spot. But most of all,
                                                                                                                                let’s lift each other up (though not
     novels  or  Japanese  manga  might  be.                         sleepy  chaos,  stop  right  there.  A
                                                                                                                                literally,  #socialdistancing),  we’re
     What’s the worst that could happen?                             healthy schedule makes for healthy
                                                                                                                                all in this together.
     You  find  some  reading  material  you                         bodies.  Besides,  a  little  discipline

     actually like.                                                  goes a long way.

                                                                                                                                        Photograph: Mithil Anup
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