Page 11 - Fighting Fit: Boxing, Workouts, Techniques, and Sparring
P. 11
Words of caution
Boxing can be an extraordinarily enjoyable and
fulfilling pursuit, building athletic grace and skill,
self-confidence and physical well-being.
We encourage readers to elevate their thoughts
and train safely.
Partner drills and sparring include contact.
You will get hit and you may get hurt even
with the recommended protective gear.
Always wear the proper protective gear.
Drill and spar for fun, for fitness and to improve
boxing skills.
Do not fight in anger, with ill will or with the
intent to do harm.
Boxers in this book did not wear protective gear
to better show technique and detail. We do not
advocate bag drills without wearing hand
wraps and proper bag gloves. We do not
advocate partner drills or sparring without
each boxer wearing hand wraps, proper
sparring gloves, headgear, mouthpiece and
groin protector.
It is recommended that readers serious about
sparring get instruction from a coach accredited
by USA Boxing, Inc., national governing body for
amateur boxing in the United States. Call 719-578-
4506 for information.