Page 165 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 165


                Warm-up: Jump rope for 8 minutes.

                Pendulum steps (pages 23–26) and Cutting off the

                Ring (page 29): Practice for 3 rounds. Set a boxing timer
                to a 3-minute round with a 1-minute rest period in between

                Shadowboxing: Shadowbox for 6 rounds incorporating

                specific defense drills. Set a boxing timer to a 3-minute
                round with a 1-minute rest period in between rounds.
                Review drills in Chapter 3.

                  Rounds 1 and 4: Incorporate slipping punches (slip/dip/pull

                   back/pivot/weave) and catch and throw.

                  Rounds 2 and 5: Incorporate parrying, countering, and
                   level changing.

                  Rounds 3 and 6: Incorporate retreat and circle and retreat

                   and counter.

                DAY 7

                Rest and recover.

                Intermediate Sample III

                DAY 1

                Road work and warm-up: 2-mile run.

                Shadowboxing: Do 3 freestyle shadowboxing rounds. Set a
                boxing timer to a 3-minute round with a 1-minute rest
                period in between rounds.
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