Page 131 - REVISED PPP
P. 131
1. Authority to Operate
Student organizations shall have to be duly recognized by the
OSAS before they can operate or conduct activities.
2. Supervision of Student Activities
It shall be the responsibility of the Director of the Student Affairs
and Services and the Chief of Student Organizations to supervise
all the activities of all duly recognized student organizations.
3. Application for Recognition
a. New Organization-Any group of at least fifteen (15) students may
apply to the OSAS to form an organization. The letter of application
must be accompanied by the following:
a.1.Constitution and By-Laws;
a.2.List of elected officers for the current year,
a.3.Proposed program of activities and projects;
a.4.Name of three (3) Faculty or Employees with their letters of
acceptance as advisers to be given to the Director of OSAS.
a.5.Complete list of members.
b. Renewal of recognized organizations/clubs-The organization must
submit all the requirements including accomplishment reports of the
previous school year starting from the year of their operation.