Page 132 - REVISED PPP
P. 132
c. Conditions for non-recognition of student organization:
c.1.It does not meet the requirements for recognition and/or
C.2.It is still under penalty/ies;
C.3.It fails to meet the deadline for filing of recognition/renewal set
by the OSAS.
4. Certificate of Recognition
The recognition of a student organization shall be a pre-condition for its
operation in the University. A corresponding Certificate of Recognition
shall be issued by the OSAS upon the recommendation of the Dean of
the College where the organization operates. However, such certificate
shall only be effective for one (1) school-year and subject for renewal for
the succeeding school-year that the organization still exists.
5. Membership
Membership to organizations shall be determined by the respective
organizations as embodied in their constitution and by-laws.
6. Qualification of Candidates
Election procedures and filing of candidacy for any position in any
organization must be inconformity with the provisions of the constitution
and by- laws of the organization.
7. Conduct of Student Activities
Request to hold activities must be filed at the OSAS within five working
days before the schedule activity.