P. 42

13) implement extension cum research activities aimed to improve

  extension services delivery;

  14) document, assess, monitor, and evaluate extension and outreach

  activities for comprehensive data management and analysis as well

  as for input to planning;

  15) coordinate with other University programs and related agencies

  for program/agency complementation and efficient and optimum

  utilization of resources, and

  16) perform other related tasks as directed.

  Section 4. Knowledge and Technology Management Section.

  This Office shall be headed by a University Director and shall be

  composed of the following sections:

  (a) Training,

  (b) Intellectual Property Rights, and

  (c) Professional Services.

  This section shall perform the following functions:

  1) Formulate and recommend a well-organized and directed

        program of the University knowledge and technology program;

  2) Operate and maintain and co-manage a community extension

        and outreach convergence facility (center) to serve as venue for

        community training and education and other related activities;
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