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national subsidy (General Appropriations Act) shall be submitted and
shall be defended by the University President to the BOR for
endorsement by CHED to the Regional DBM office. The internally
generated income (Supplemental Budget) sourced from tuition fees and
other school fees shall be submitted and defended by the University
President to the BOR for its approval for utilization in consonance to RA
Section 3.3. Cash Section.
It is composed of three (3) sub-sections namely:
(a) checks preparation section and
(b) collection, and
(c) disbursement section.
The cash section shall be responsible in coordinating the cashiering
activities with the cashiers of the different campuses. It is concerned
with the following activities/functions:
maintain of checking account; collecting and disbursing; and safe-
keeping of money
financial records. The cash section in the campus level shall be
responsible in the collection of income and disbursement of funds in the