Page 17 - OneFord_Brand_Design_System
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Ford Oval                                                  Ford Signature

            Use where trust matters most.                                  For moments when we engage.

           Where you need a symbol of our                                          In a conversation,
            deeply held values and beliefs.                                     an experience, a story.

               A seal of authenticity and                                        Each time we open a
               permanence that signals.                                   door to create a new connection.

                                                                                 Our personal sign-off.
                 “We act with integrity.”

                “We stand behind this.”


                       Ford Blue                                                     Ford Initial
                    More than a color.                                     A symbol of inspired ingenuity.

            It represents a century of hard                             World changing ideas brought about
          earned trust, loyalty and strength.                               by a spirit of experimentation.

            Inspired by Clara, Ford Blue has                                    We will use this symbol
                 stood the test of time.                                   to highlight our forward-looking
          Inseparable from who we are and
                   what we stand for.                                   To find new ways to make life better.

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